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Boot Care by VDF

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  • Boot Care by VDF

    A properly broken in pair of well fitting pair hiking boots can make any expedition more enjoyable. However, even the best boots don't last forever, although properly caring for your boots helps.
    1. Clean boots regularly using a rag or soft-bristled brush to get caked mud or dirt off. Wipe the inside of the boot to remove salt from perspiration.
    2. Waterproof boots before and after a trip, paying particular attention to the rand and the tounge. Apply at least three coats of water repellent before they are used for the first time and two coats each time after. SnoSeal works well as it adds moisture to the leather as well as waterproofing.
    3. Use leather conditioner regularly to stop the leather from drying. Some waterproofers, such as SnoSeal, have conditioners in them but don't assume that all do. Pay particular attention to creases in the leather as these can crack when dry.
    • If the boot is starting to separate from the sole, use rubber glue, not super glue (super glue will shatter) to glue them back together.
    • After applying SnoSeal or other wax waterproofer, use a hair dryer to melt the wax and help it sink in. Be sure to wipe excess off after doing this.
    • If unsure what products to use on your boots, check with the boot manufacturer.
    • Do not use mink oil to treat boots. It will over soften the leather and the boot will lose its support.
    • Don't ever apply an outside heat source, like a hair dryer or a room heater, to your boots for a prolonged period of time. The leather can warp. To accelerate drying stuff the boots with dry paper and let it absorb the moisture.
    I live in the desert and if you think that you don't need to take care of boots, then you should be committed to the insane ward. The sun and low humidity dries everything out. Please, take good care of your dogs(boots) and then they will take care of you!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
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