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Remembering Our Early Camp Food Diasters

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  • Remembering Our Early Camp Food Diasters

    Camping should be a fun activity, but if you take the wrong type of food or you run out, it's not going to be as much fun as it should be. Remembering the early years when we began camping it seems that we always ran out of camping food or we had forgotten to take something with us. Luckily for us, we never were far from a store. Some, however, are not that lucky. Thinking about the food and what you need before you buy are good ideas and can save you a lot of trouble.

    The first year we went camping we took all of the wrong things, or perhaps I should say they were the right things used in the wrong order. We went for three days, and I took hamburger patties with us as part of our camping food. We should have used them up the first day or two, but we saved them for the third night. That was not smart. Our cooler was not as good as it should have been, and the hamburger wasn't looking too good. We decided not to eat it. Had we been further from civilization, we would not have had dinner that night.

    The next year I thought I did better with the camping food, but I forgot butter. Sometimes you don't realize how important things like butter, ketchup, and mustard are until you have forgotten them. I went to the camp store to get more, but they, like most camping supply stores, charge a lot for their camping food. I had to pay two dollars for a single stick of butter. I was not happy about it, but at least I finally had my butter.

    Though perishable camping food items are okay, only have them for the first few nights unless you have refrigeration. They do okay in really nice coolers for a day or two, but after that, they are probably not going to be any good. You should make sure you take a lot of things that can last without the cooler or the refrigerator when you are thinking about your camping food. On top of that, you should take more than you think you need. You may have to share with someone unexpectedly, or you may have forgotten something and you will be short. Having a back up supply is a mighty good idea when camping far from civilization. It also just goes to show that we even now we have been camping well over twenty years we are human and like anyone in the early days we have made what we thought were major camping blunders, heehee!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    One early camping trip, our 'cook' made a big frypan of scrambled eggs - came out as one big solid rubbery mass - YUCK.....!! :o
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      When I was stationed in southern Maryland back in the early '70's, I decided to go down to Point Lookout for a picnic(a 20mi drive 1-way). Got down there and unpacked everything-except I forgot eating utensils, plates, etc. I kept 'borrowing' from a nearby family until I just wound up eating at their table.:D


      • #4
        I don't think I could leave burgers for the third day, thats my favorite food. :D


        • #5
          I learned how to pack perishables from my mom, from when we camped when I was a kid. She only used one cooler back then. I have learned to use two coolers from this site: one for drinks that's opened frequently, one for food that's opened only at meal times.

          I prep all our meals in freezer bags and freeze them, including burgers. I do not pre-cook anything, just measure, mix, chop, what-have-you. All the frozen meals are then packed in the bottom of the food cooler with ice on top.

          Each morning as we camp, I pull the meal I want to serve that night from the bottom of the food cooler, then I place it on top of everything in the drink cooler.

          By the time dinner time rolls around, that meal will be thawed out due to us opening the drink cooler numerous times during the day to get drinks.

          I like what my husband calls *fancy* food. I tend to cook the same types of things that I would at home, at the campsite. We will have burgers once while we're camping, but that's it. And my burgers have lots of stuff in them, they're not plain burgers. I don't like baked beans from a can. If I'm having baked beans, they have to be made from scratch (i.e. soaking dried beans for 24 hours, then baking beans in the oven for 10-12 hours at a low temp).

          Anyway, that's my 2ยข on how to keep perishables edible.
          "Why is it inflationary if the people keep their own money and spend it the way they want to and it's not inflationary if the government takes it and spends it the way it wants to?"
          ~ Ronald Reagan, June 11, 1981


          • #6
            The first time we used a pie iron was a disaster. We didn't put it in over a fire and we didn't even leave it near the heat that long but it came out burnt to a crisp. We've really only used it that once. We'll have to experiment some more next summer. I did read that you should spread butter on the bread. We didn't do that. And next time we'll hold it farther from the heat. I've also learned to pack meat into ziplock bags so that the blood and meat juices won't get everywhere as it thaws.
            May you always have love to share,
            Health to spare
            And friends that care.


            • #7
              I am a weekend hot dog vendor............can anyone guess what we usually take a lot of when we camp????
              A couple years back I took a whole pack...........and this means about 28 dogs, but not the tiny ones.
              These are about 7" long, and as round as a quarter, 2 and you're full.

              By the third day, guess what we(I) was having for lunch and dinner.

              When we camp, we are not very organized or responsible when it comes to meals.
              We spend too much time sitting by the lake, or walking trails......come dinner time, nothing is prepared, so it turns into a get what you can affair.
              We use the Igloo electric coolers, so everything stays nice and cool, but not frozen.


              • #8
                And on the pie iron note..........I borrowed one from a friend.
                She drove out of her way to get it to me, before we departed..............................didn't use it once!!
                When I gave it back to her, she asked me how was it?...what did you make?...sheepishly, I said "nothing....didn't use it once"

                Maybe I'll buy one and use it next year????

