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Hot Sweet Milky Drink

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  • Hot Sweet Milky Drink

    As we head into the winter, we are all looking for warm drinks. Of course, there are a greata many variations on the old standby hot chocolate.

    However, there are other good warm, sweet drinks:

    Milk - warmed to your liking.

    Vanilla - one to two teaspoon per two cups. Real natural vanilla extract will be noticed

    Sweetener to taste: Sorgum, Molasses, honey, or sugar as per your preference

    For a nice adult beverage, add a jigger or so of whiskey or brandy

    Mmmm Hmmmm

  • #2
    Re: Hot Sweet Milky Drink

    Good idea. Hot milk is great especially with an adult beverage. I went to Italy once and ordered a latte. The lady asked "caldo?" (hot) "Si, seniorina" I replied. You guessed it, hot milk.

    Latte is the Italian word for milk. A cafe con latte is the proper description. The language they use at a place Starbucks makes no sense at all. Never apologize if you don't speak it. It is like having a secret decoder ring when you were a kid. I'll have a grande double shot expresso up with 2 splenda. What??

    I am starting to get the idea that Mike knows some stuff.


    • #3
      Re: Hot Sweet Milky Drink

      Thanks, ppine!


      • #4
        Re: Hot Sweet Milky Drink

        In the cooler months I often add a dash of cocoa or cinnamon to my coffee. The cinnamon in regular cocoa sounds pretty good too. I will keep it in mind.
        Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:

