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3 Week Trip Menu. Hopefully Kid Friendly.

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  • 3 Week Trip Menu. Hopefully Kid Friendly.

    Spent a nice portion of this winter planning and cooking my kid friendly 3 week camping menu. One kiddo doesn't eat cheese but has gotten past her food can't touch phase (Hallelujah!); another kid doesn't eat lamb knowingly. The last and oldest is a stevedore in training and the skinniest of the lot; peeves some portion o' me off on a certain level.

    The menu planning has become a true exercise in trying to get it right nutrition-wise, ease for the cook, and likes of the eaters.

    Here is where I am to date, in terms of make ahead and prepping dinner dishes for the time frame:

    Lamb and veggie stew over egg noodles. The noodles will be cooked on site. Think I'll use small egg noodles since they cook faster.

    Chicken shawarma. The pounded breasts are already seasoned and sliced before freezing. The rest of the dish will be made on site including the bread. Decided that pre-portioned grilled pizza dough tastes better than pita bread so I'll buy some dough before the trip starts.
    Froze some brined chicky parts. I'll grill them on site.

    Spatch-cocked some Cornish hens, seasoned 'em and will grill them over the fire pit and prolly serve w/ ratatouille what hasn't been made yet but will be by Spring.
    Chicken and kale stuffed shells. I'll sauce them on site and serve with a salad. The entree freezes beautifully in a ZipLoc bag.

    Turkey . Haven't decided if I'll serve it w/ rice or not yet.
    Mini turkey meatloafs. They freeze up nicely in muffin tins.

    Italian beef wedding sandwiches. Meat is already cooked, thin sliced and in the freezer. Still need to make the pickled veggies and haven't found the right bread yet. I'll buy the pickled pepperoncino.

    Lasagna Bolognese. 2 layers have spinach ricotta as a change up from the listed recipe. .I already know that the Princess(DGD) might not eat all the layers but I'll just remove the cheesy top layer and she should be fine. Again, no tomato sauce atop until we get on site and served w/ a green salad. Already cut the lasagna into serving portions before freezing.

    Browned meatballs made from beef, veal, and pork. I make this w/o a written recipe so it's just in my head. Can say that a milk soaked panade is the secret to making the meatballs tender on my end. I'll serve em over angel hair pasta or fresh fettuccine from a nearby supermarket (either versions cook faster than most pastas which is good for fuel conservation and time) and marina sauce. Again, a side salad.

    Oklahoma onion burgers
    Stuffed burgers. I do a variation or 2 on this recipe: Serve em on store bought potato rolls.

    Taco seasoned ground beef

    Won ton noodle soup w/ spare ribs. Made the pork and shrimp won tons already and in the freezer. Brine boiled the ribs with lots of seasoning and will grill and glaze em on site. Blanch freezed baby bok choy. Will take a gallon of frozen pork and chicken stock and assemble the soup there prolly throwing leftover salad greens and cooked veggies in. The actual how to is pretty much out of my head based on too much time spent in Chinese restaurants.

    Chinese roast pork served with ramen noodles and and stir fried brocolli. The pork is already made and sliced . If there are any leftovers it'll go in fried rice for another meal.
    Here's my go to play with it recipe:

    Carnitas and pulled pork. They came from the same pork shoulder as the Chinese roast pork and will be served as sandwiches and filling for wraps. Wuvvvv that cut of meat; it's so versatile.


    Fish tacos. Home seasoned frozen fish fillets . Will buy whole wheat pizza dough to grill in place of tortillas.
    Tuna salad Niciose using canned tuna packed in olive oil.

    Blanched frozen green beans. These work nicely as snacks w/ hummus; stir fried, added to soups, on an antipasti platter and as a side dish.
    Tomatoes. Home canned quarts of whole tomatoes last summer so turned one qt into a confit and will bring 2 quarts moved into a ZipLoc bag. The 2 qts will become marinara and pizza sauce. The confit will be useful as an ingredient of the marinara sauce and the ratatouille.
    Cauliflower stems; blanched and frozen. Side dish, steamed or mashed. Also good with hummus and an antipasti platter.

    Now on to lunch and breakfast.

    July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
    Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!

  • #2
    Re: 3 Week Trip Menu. Hopefully Kid Friendly.

    As a kid, i'd never forgive you for feeding me lamb... why not use a different meat for that meal and not "fake out" the kid?

    The rest are nice - lots of variety and ability to let the kids leave what they don't like on the plate. I love cheese and I love lasagna - but I can't stand overpowering ricotta in the lasagna, must be light on the cheese. Same issue with canolis.
    “One could not be a successful scientist without realizing that, in contrast to the popular conception supported by newspapers and mothers of scientists, a goodly number of scientists are not only narrow-minded and dull, but also just stupid.” - James D. Watson


    • #3
      Re: 3 Week Trip Menu. Hopefully Kid Friendly.

      Originally posted by toedtoes View Post
      As a kid, i'd never forgive you for feeding me lamb... why not use a different meat for that meal and not "fake out" the kid?

      The rest are nice - lots of variety and ability to let the kids leave what they don't like on the plate. I love cheese and I love lasagna - but I can't stand overpowering ricotta in the lasagna, must be light on the cheese. Same issue with canolis.
      Hehehehe ...earlier this year the Princess announced she was becoming a vegetarian like her best friend. Bypassing the lamb (and veal) cuteness factor I went straight to fluffy baby chicks and said "OK, so no more fried chicken, huh?" She took one look at me, thought a little and said she could eat chicken.....did I ever mention my army travels on it's stomach minus Bambism? :he:.

      July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
      Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


      • #4
        Re: 3 Week Trip Menu. Hopefully Kid Friendly.

        I ate chicken, beef, pork, etc. - but never ate babies... (and no I did not eat fertilized eggs). That was my breaking point as a kid.

        Stopped eating shellfish first (couldn't stand the "scream" from lobsters), then fish (tried to eat one with it's head still attached - yuck), then after driving past a turkey farm in October, said that's it - no more.

        Only thing i've ever been tempted by is KFC original recipe (but just the skin). I just tell myself that it will never be as good as I remember. Did have a lobster wrap and scallops while in Nova Scotia and had no big "oh, I forgot how good these are" moment.
        “One could not be a successful scientist without realizing that, in contrast to the popular conception supported by newspapers and mothers of scientists, a goodly number of scientists are not only narrow-minded and dull, but also just stupid.” - James D. Watson


        • #5
          Re: 3 Week Trip Menu. Hopefully Kid Friendly.

          Originally posted by toedtoes View Post
          I ate chicken, beef, pork, etc. - but never ate babies... (and no I did not eat fertilized eggs). That was my breaking point as a kid.

          Stopped eating shellfish first (couldn't stand the "scream" from lobsters), then fish (tried to eat one with it's head still attached - yuck), then after driving past a turkey farm in October, said that's it - no more.

          Only thing i've ever been tempted by is KFC original recipe (but just the skin). I just tell myself that it will never be as good as I remember. Did have a lobster wrap and scallops while in Nova Scotia and had no big "oh, I forgot how good these are" moment.
          Lamb rib chops, remain my mother's favorite meat treat. If she hears they are on sale she whines/begs/pleads for one of us to pick some up for her.
          She once chose an assisted living facility based on it's proximity to the sea and then told me she had a dream about the grounds being covered with lobsters waiting to jump into a pot of boiling water in turn. I told her that the locale was hard to reach by both of her NYC children and eventually she decided to remain in her current home. Which created a different problem but there you are.

          I was horribly picky as a child. Poultry, and it's skeletal appearance, caused me most anxiety but not so much other meats since they seemed so disassociated. Oh right but then there was the time mother served us "Pel-Freeze" AKA rabbit. I'd already seen the box in the fridge and figured out what the words meant. Cried piteously about eating "Peter Rabbit" and she never served it to us again.
          Course I ate it frequently as an adult in Europe but errr there ya go....

          Still can't eat runny eggs though.
          Last edited by NYCgrrl; 02-25-2016, 05:26 PM.

          July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
          Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


          • #6
            Re: 3 Week Trip Menu. Hopefully Kid Friendly.

            Well I've finished figuring out lunch meals for this trip and decided it's time to slow down cuz I was moving too fast. At least 3 days a week we are off the campground during lunchtime and my pocketbook and eating philosophy sees no reason to hit restaurants frequently. Especially traveling with 3-4 (including the man in this) eating vacuum cleaners.
            Decided that soup and sandwiches will fuel the people just fine for the most part.

            Found a petit smoked ham in my freezer and somewhere around May I'll defrost it, deli-slice it and portion freeze it.
            Bought a hotel turkey breast (a turkey cut normally only found in the NE that includes the breast and thighs) and will thyme lemon roast it and slice following the ham's blueprint. That along with cheese, roasted veggies and salad greens should give us sandwich possibilities galore for 3 weeks.

            I'll serve mostly vegetable based soups either hot from a Thermos or heated over a state park grill. We always travel with fruit so it will serve nicely as dessert, snack or both. Oh right and the Princess thinks gazpacho is the cat's meow so serving that cold will keep me from making a fire off site.

            Since I'm still in no meat Lent mode making soup has been a good thing. So far I've carrot, lentil, 12 bean, green minestrone and broccoli soup bases made and frozen.
            Planning to give a try to dehydrated tomato soup made from home canned whole tomatoes.

            All money saved on lunches seems to be spent on local attractions. Plus.

            Now to continue breakfast made easy peasy leave me alone I don't feel like talking.

            July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
            Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!

