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New knife law to those who use knives.....

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  • New knife law to those who use knives.....

    I am an avid and regular user to and knives in general. This message is for those who want to help out.
    This is affective in all states in the US. This affects EVERYONE. This is very important. Congress and customs are taking away your pocket knives if you carry them. This is the preemptive strike against those who carry knives. if you like the ability to carry, then send this in.

    They are trying to say that any knife that you can open with one hand is a switchblade. This obviously isn't the case, and therefore should not be illegal. Knives are NOT just used as weapons. I use knives everyday to cut open boxes, letters, cut food and many other nonlethal applications.

    Even if you don't use knives, think of who all this would impact. Think of what they would ban or outlaw next. This is about keeping our freedoms. Please help out. It would mean so much to me if you sent out these e-mails and letters.

    Send this model letter""
    to whoever your representative is here ""

    And print this model letter out "" and send it to them "U.S. Customs and Border Protection
    Revenue Division/Mail Entry
    6650 Telecom Drive Suite 100
    Indianapolis, IN 46278.

  • #2
    Yes, I have seen this on a couple gun forums I am on. This may affect only travel where one must go through Customs, not for in-country travel - still, it's an abridgement of our rights.
    Here in sunny Florida, Switchblades and Autoknives are LEGAL to carry - I have a nice little Benchmade Autoknife I carry often. Bu this 'law' would affect even regular pocket knives with the little button on the blade to make opening easier. There are times using these knives as tools that the easy-opening feature is a real help - if one hand is occupied holding something. I agree - my knives are TOOLS, not weapons. I use one daily too.
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      It wouldn't only affect travel, it would affect importing knives as well. A few knife manufactures are overseas and that would impact them. Also, to my understanding, this isn't just with Customs. This affects almost all pocket knives, not just the knives with the button. They are trying to say that any one handing knife is a switchblade. We live in Florida too, me and the OP, but this will still affect us. It's nice to see that you support keeping the knife laws the same as they always have been, so I do hope you'll send in the e-mails and letter, if you haven't already.



      • #4
        Yea I just cant stand these type of things. I live in FL as well and have all kinds of knives and just use them for everything. I cant believe people should have to fear their govt, they should really stop protecting us from ourselves. Theyre taking away weapons from the wrong people. It just doesnt make sense to me at all.

