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Worst thing that has happened to you while camping.

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  • Worst thing that has happened to you while camping.

    Tell us about your worst experience while you were camping.
    Only describe what you would feel comfortable talking about.............if your best buddy was mauled to death by a bear, best not bring it up.

    For me, 3 years ago we decided to try a bit of fishing.
    The lake we were at is part of the Canadian Shield, therefore the shores are 95% rock.
    Well, with the shore being rock and underwater, algae grows on this.
    My oldest daughter wanted to take her shoes off and put her feet in the wrong step and she slid down the smooth, slippery, rocky shore and dropped about 4 feet off a ledge into an area deeper than she was tall.
    My wife jumped in after her and neither could get out because the algae on the rocks was as slippery as axle grease.
    My wife screamed help and some bystanders about 50 feet away just stood there watching.
    I knew that if I jumped in, that would make 3 of us in the same situation.
    I managed to reach my fishing rod out and get them out.
    Needless to say, both my kids were cold and terrified, and my wife was exhausted.
    Not a pleasant experience.

  • #2
    So, no one has been flooded out?...............had a bear steal their cooler?...........awoke on packup day (in a rush) to find a flat tire on their car?..................nothing? one?................


    • #3
      my camp adventures

      ok, years ago me and a couple buds were going to go camping at the river.
      we came out of the bowling alley the afternoon we were to leave and there was a hole pencil size in my radiator.
      found a radiator thru a racer friend and installed it, ok still going..
      we finally got to the river and were parked on the side of the road, in the dark, looking at a map with the 8 track playing psycodelic shack.
      we were studing the map and in the begining of the song theres a knock at the door in the music. we had the player up real loud so it sounded real and scared the xxxx out of us!
      ok lets drive to havasu where are friends are staying, drove there and they were full and we couldnt get in.
      ok lets drive back to the river and we can just camp there somewhere. cruising down the highway, 1 of the recaps blew, luckily i had a spare but i had to buy the next spare on my own at a middle of the desert gas station.
      we parked on the side of the river and were trying to get some sleep in the warm sun after i checked the oil. the local police showed up and said we had to move on, so...
      we started down the road and guess who didnt shut the hood tight enough and the safety latch was broken, ok the hood flies open and springs the hinges. i had some rope in the trunk and was able to tie it down.
      this is turning into a real bad time lets just go home. as were driving past palm springs we get the idea to take the tram and our gear up to the top of san jacinto. ok we hauled all our stuff and were at the top and theres a foot of snow, being men that we were, we said lets hike in a little and set up camp, so we did. as we were freezing we said this isnt working our gear is for 100 deg not 1 ft of snow, so we changed our minds. the 2 of us did anyways. the third guy started to get a little violent cause we wanted to leave so we left him and his tent. there was a girl scout troop a few a yards away so hed be ok. we hike out, rode the tram down, drove home and went to a good local party and got drunk., this was about 40 yrs ago. the third guy hitch hiked home the next day.
      this was a experience i havent forgotten.

      ive been stormed on hard, blew the tent down and another time had a bear steal my cooler in yosemite, but this was the best?
      Last edited by donnyonee; 06-22-2009, 03:07 PM.

