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Camping regulations and laws

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  • Camping regulations and laws

    In Greece camping is allowed only in organised campgrounds. It's not allowed for someone to find a site (in a beach, forest, ets) and set up his tent.
    Free camping is preferred due to the fact that is much cheaper. Furthermore, someone can set up his tent everywhere, wherever he likes. It gives a sense of freedom.
    The bad thing is that some j**ks dispose their garbage polluting beaches and forests.

    In Greece free camping is illegal. The campground and hotel owners call the police to deal with free campers. By this, the free campers are enforced to pay for a tent in an organised campground or for a room in a hotel.

    What's the status in other countries? Is free camping allowed?

  • #2
    Howdy Tesla,
    Welcome to the camping boards. Yes, here in the USA, free camping is allowed and a great pursuit.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
      Yes, here in the USA, free camping is allowed
      Lucky guys. You make me jealous.

      Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
      and a great pursuit.
      Excuse me but my english are not very good. What do you mean?

