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Do you take a cell phone when you go camping?

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  • Do you take a cell phone when you go camping?

    Well, do you? For us we no longer have a house land-line so we always have a cell with us. How about you? What's you're story, it's all about camping?
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Our cell phone goes where we go.
    We still have a land line because we are in between towers and live in a log cabin. Solid wood walls and cell phones(low power) do not mix well.
    The old bag phones were better.
    2006 GMC Sierra 1500 HD Crewcab
    2004 Rockwood Freedom 1640 LTD
    I am not lost, I am here


    • #3
      I am a broadcasting engineer. My company pays for my cell phone (in order to be located if something wrong happens). For that reason, i can't avoid it.

      Furthermore, a cell phone is useful (in case of emergency).


      • #4
        We take ours with us........the wife likes to periodically check on our 2 cats that get left back at the house., no, no,............the cats don't answer our calls....LOL
        She calls a friend that "catsits" for us.
        We also found 2 years ago that having your cell is very important......
        I went for one last trip to the comfort station for the night, and when I walked in there was a young guy spinning round in circles and banging off the walls.........he collapsed in a heap in the corner.
        I ran back to site, grabbed my phone and called 911.
        It was miraculous that an ambulance was there in about 7 minutes.......they must have been close by, because the nearest town with a station is 45 minutes north or south.
        As it turns out, he had an epileptic seizure, he was fine.
        So, yes take your phone for those situations, but try to enjoy camping, not texting.


        • #5

          I take mine in case of emergencies, with a 4 year old anything is possible.


          • #6
            My uncle refused to get one of these "evil devices" until his car broke down far away from a city in the middle of the night. He had to walk some kilometers in order to find a public phone. The next day he bought a cell phone.

            The cell phone is very very useful in case of emergency. However, i suggest not to spend your time talking and sending sms. You can do it in the city.


            • #7
              Cell service in my area had been very poor and spotty in prior years, so when I got one ten years ago, I soon got rid of it.
              Lately though, I have found that having one for road emergencies is good - my bike broke down one morning, and I could NOT find a pay phone! :o
              So, mine is kept turned OFF, and used only if needed. I do carry it camping, and elsewhere. I don't give out the number, unless for a specific situation if someone may need to call me.
              Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


              • #8
                Yeppers & Howdy from the orginator of this post, thanks for jumping right end and gettering it done! Cell phone whether they be bad or good, they do have a small place in my camping gear. Hey, Rich, parder man, when are you a fixing to go north young sir? But what is really nice and special about cell phones these days. You can turn them off buttons more to the more off position. Plenty of people bug me when I tell that they tried to get through but I just haven't answered. So now with the bills are paid, I just blame turn the noise maker off, then I just tell people I forgot to turn the blame thing on again! In a couple of days I'll have another question for you to sratch your noggins about.
                Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

