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Are You a Crummy Neighbor?

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  • Are You a Crummy Neighbor?


    My biggest gripe about camping in campgrounds are not the bathrooms, or the's crummy neighbors. You know, the people who blare their car stereos and drink and get rambunctious way into the wee hours of the morning. These people seem to have no regard for others. I seek the far out of the way places, just because of these types. They are typically lazy and won't go as far as I will. Please don't be one of these. Be a good camping neighbor, for everyone's sake.
    • Do not run generators late into the night.
    • Do not bring music into the woods (if you do, do it quietly).
    • Keep your children involved and under control (Kids will be kids, but there are varying degrees).
    • Dispose of trash in collection facilities, or pack it out if not provided.
    • Put toilet seats down, especially in pit toilets (they will smell up the room and attract insects).
    • Lastly, DO NOT FEED ANIMALS (especially Chipmunks and Squirrels). Commando Chipmunks can ruin a trip, trust me! Just getting this off my chest.

    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Good rules. I whole-heartily agree!

    Playing that guitar and singing BADLY at 3AM is NOT appreciated - don't ask how I know......
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      Bad neighbors

      I agree as well,

      We had some horrible neighbors on a trip to Big Lake State Park in MO. I fell asleep about midnight only to be awakened by the people next door arguing with the drunkest guy in their group.

      When I first awoke I thought to my self that they would go to sleep soon and I think they were trying to with the exception of the drunk from this point on known as a-hole. This guy was arguing with his wife that he needed more beer after his wife told him he had finished a case of it that day. He called her lots of choice names that I was glad my four year old was not awake to hear. Then he suggested naked boating and ran into the water. His wife of course chased him and told him to get out of the water. After two hours of this now 2:15 in the morning his friends finally gave up and said whatever. At 3:00 I hear the theme song from Monday night football a few years back (hank Williams Junior blaring). Finally I had had enough I grabbed my cell phone and went over to their site in nothing but my shorts. I am a 240 pund 6'1" man who works out regularly and I was mad. I told Mr a-hole that I respected his right to be an individual and express himself but blaring music at 3;15 in the morning and keeping me up for 3 hours with his drunken BS was enough. I asked him politely to go to bed or be quiet. Thank god he said yes because he had to be about 280 and 6'5". I took my phone with me just in case he chased me. I think coming out of the darkness and giving him what for must have scared him.

      His wife apologized in the morning and I told her that I accepted her apology but that for her sake and that of others she should recommend her 34 year old husband not drink anymore or get in to a program (I dont think she liked that but after only 4 hours of sleep I could care less).

      Wow that was kind of cathartic getting to share that. It is amazing how much of an a-hole some people can be.


      • #4
        "Bad drunks" can always ruin an outing. Me, if I get drunk, I just find a quiet dark spot to snooze...... :D

        Mr. A-hole will also find it hard to get invited to the next outing with those guys. I hope.
        Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


        • #5
          I hope so too. I think we may want to go back there someday. I see you got a new canoe are you going to start canoe camping?


          • #6
            I didn't come up with this, but I found this great post about camping etiquette. The post sums it all up!

            The problem with camping...
            Posted by John J on September 20, 2008 at 11:36am in Uncategorized

            After reading and posting in several different threads about people's gripes (dogs, music, etc), I've realized the problem with camping. People! The problem with camping is that PEOPLE go out and do it. If there were no people, things would be great. No noise, no music, no dogs, no generators, just nature.


            Obviously the whole idea of camping is for PEOPLE to get out and enjoy nature. So where did everything go wrong? That's an easy question to answer, you see the problem with people is that we all have a different idea of what's enjoyable, and what's not. We all have a different idea of what camping "REALLY IS" and what's not.

            There are people that think that you are only truly camping if you are 40 miles into the backcountry and people that think that camping involves a 40 foot RV with satellite TV, a microwave and a shower.

            There are people that think camping is all about partying, beer and loud music, and people who think that it is about serenity, books and hammocks.

            Some people think that you shouldn't be allowed to bring your dog camping, while others couldn't imagine camping without the K9 family member.

            Some people think camping MUST be done at a lake, while others prefer the top of a mountain peak.

            Some prefer campgrounds that have hottubs, pools, a general store and plug-ins, while some don't consider it camping unless you brush your teeth with bark.

            You see camping is so great because there are SO MANY ways to do it and enjoy it. But this is also it main problem, because everyone thinks that their own way is the right way, or the only way, or the best way. When in reality it is just ANOTHER way.

            Sure you may be annoyed at the yappy dog in the site next to you, but guess what, maybe the dog is yapping at your irritating guitar music. And perhaps the group of partying 20 somethings across from you is just as bothered by your diesel generator humming through the night as you are at their raucous laughter. And just because I believe that the best way to go camping is to strap on a pack and head out into the wild away from all the distractions of the world, doesn't mean that the senior couple in the Airsteam have it all wrong.

            My whole point is that everyone has a right to go camping. Get off your high horse and realize that you might be just as annoying to someone else as they are to you. If someone is breaking the rules (ACTUALLY breaking the rules and not just doing something that annoys you), then let the campground manager know, it is their responsibility to deal with it, not yours. If someone is simply annoying you with their music, or dog, or generator, or laughter, or whatever, let them know, they may have no idea it's bothering you.

            I have camped in almost every situation and style and come across all of the issues that have been brought up. In my earlier years I was part of the group of drunken 20 somethings that nearly got kicked out of the campground (yes, stupid, I know). I've camped in a huge RV with a TV. I've camped in the backcountry...lost. I've sung to guitar music into the wee hours of the night. I've dealt with others playing their guitar into the wee hours of the night (ear plugs work great). I've gone camping with dogs, and without. I've had dogs run into my site and yappy dogs in the site next to me. I've had folks run their generator ALL NIGHT LONG and seen kids watching movies on the portable TV on their picnic table. I've camped solo and with groups of 30 or 40 friends. I've camped in the snow and in the blazing heat.

            All this to say, DEAL WITH IT. Camping is what YOU make it. If you're grumpy, it's your own fault. Get to know your neighbours and you'll have a lot less problems, or buy 40 acres of land yourself and then you don't have to deal with anyone else.

            I believe my soapbox is about to crumble, so I will get off now. If I have offended anyone with my bluntness and truthfulness...well, too bad. That's part of being an adult, you're going to be offended sometimes, grab a beer and go mellow out.

            Happy Camping!


            • #7
              It's another reason I like fall and winter camping, too. Most of the riff-raff doesn't go into the woods after Labor Day. My biggest beef is trash - bottle caps and other small pieces of non-burning stuff that people leave in the fire pit, that ends-up all over the campsite.


              • #8
                Howdy Jesse,
                Welcome to the campfire. Thanks for chiming in!
                Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rxcamping View Post
                  I hope so too. I think we may want to go back there someday. I see you got a new canoe are you going to start canoe camping?
                  Yes indeed! Next weekend, weather permitting, we are giving the boats another testrun, this time an all-day affair. We will be at a campsite/boat landing, but there is an island a short distance out in the river that will keep us away from the 'riff raff'. Should be a nice place to camp.
                  Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scrib View Post
                    It's another reason I like fall and winter camping, too. Most of the riff-raff doesn't go into the woods after Labor Day. My biggest beef is trash - bottle caps and other small pieces of non-burning stuff that people leave in the fire pit, that ends-up all over the campsite.
                    I agree with you. I hate getting to a campsite and try to start a fire, only to find bottles, cans, foil and anything else unburnable in the fire pit. How hard is it to throw trash away or at least take it with you?

                    The Wacky Otter


                    • #11
                      Howdy wackyotter,
                      Your two cents is just fine, thanks for joining camping forums dot com and speakin' your mind!
                      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

