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First Family Outing 1963

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  • First Family Outing 1963

    It was early spring 1963. We had a nearly new born wrapped in blankets and a tent given to the wife and I when her mom and dad upgraded to a new and larger tent. They and their friends and realitives began camping in early 62.
    For me, our last campout was a hole full of sandfleas and water and we were not really happy about sleeping in a tent.
    After a very unhappy night, it was decided to purschase a Sears tent camper in a box that folded out. Not fancy, but it was off the ground.
    Since then we have had several fancy pop-ups. A Class C and two class B's.
    Wife and I have fallen in love with the B VanCamper. (Roadtrek) Versatile. It is 18.5 ft.
    can be flat parked downtown anywhere. She is a 318hp 1985 on a Dodge frame. Our other Class B was also on a Dodge 318.Great units, ours has been from southern Alabama to northern Ontario and all points between.
    *Special Note; Always had a unit full with the Class C JayCo. When the youngins
    finished college and went out on their own we purchased a "B". It only sleeps two in
    Sipping coffee along side a birch fire, watching the Aurora Borealis and chatting with
    new friends from, "Brampton and not Toronto" as they were quick tell us in just those words. Have meant a number of folks that introduce themselves by saying, "We are from Brampton, not Toronto"?
    What a wonderful way to spend a retirement.

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing just the tip of the iceberg! I know you got more in you to talk about, you can include photos too! You can even have albums here also on camping forums(I do). Check out members list at the top of the tabs, there is so much to do here on camping forums it is another way to spend some idle time during retirement. That's all that I'm doing! Thanks for sharing! If everyone shared just a little bit about their areas where they like to camp(hunt & fish), it wouldn't seem like everything is about southern Nevada. Please help yourself fill in those parts of the country where you hail from!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3

      Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
      Thanks for sharing just the tip of the iceberg! I know you got more in you to talk about, you can include photos too! You can even have albums here also on camping forums(I do). Check out members list at the top of the tabs, there is so much to do here on camping forums it is another way to spend some idle time during retirement. That's all that I'm doing! Thanks for sharing! If everyone shared just a little bit about their areas where they like to camp(hunt & fish), it wouldn't seem like everything is about southern Nevada. Please help yourself fill in those parts of the country where you hail from!
      Please excuse me for playing with copy. Have a lot ot learn about this modern medium.
      Boy, posting is a lot like making up a page to be camera ready.
      Will have to speak to one of the grandchildren to
      learn how to post photographs.
      Taught my oldest son to be a newspaper pressman.
      Have no idea how to even start the monster unit he operates now. And, the modern graphic arts are a mystery to me.
      Began with a Speedgraphic 4x5 and a duel-reflex 35mm. These are all history now.
      Darkroom magic has been replaced by a disc in a computer.
      Will add cuts when young-ones show us the magic.


      • #4
        I know where you are coming from. It will take sometime, but hang in there. I still have and shoot a Crown Graphic and process b/w in the spare third bathroom. It is fairly straight forward talk about linking photos here, if you have a site where you have already uploaded them. Flickr or webshot both have a free program. Smugmug also has a free program, I have a pro account with them because I sometimes still shoot a wedding or something. I'm retired too at 57, go figure. Actually, I retired when I hit 55, because I don't move as fast as I did when I was dodging bullets. Hang in there, and thanks for filling in where you have already!
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5

          Our first trip to the "Soo", Sault Saint Marie Ontario was mapped out Via research on the computer. By pure luck I came across a listing for the
          Algoma Centeral RailRoad. Tours to Agawa Canyon and a trip to the end of the line in Hearst.
          What great dumb LUCK.
          Requirements for these trips. Plenty of spare time and no wish to rush,
          hurry or get there quickly.
          Best to take a poke of goodies and soda-pop. This is a leisurely and beautiful trip in any season.
          For those who have never ridden on a train. It is a new awakening in travel.
          A place where you may sit back and relax. The world drops away and just you and nature exist.


          • #6
            Originally posted by angler57 View Post
            Our first trip to the "Soo", Sault Saint Marie Ontario was mapped out Via research on the computer. By pure luck I came across a listing for the
            Algoma Centeral RailRoad. Tours to Agawa Canyon and a trip to the end of the line in Hearst.
            What great dumb LUCK.
            Requirements for these trips. Plenty of spare time and no wish to rush,
            hurry or get there quickly.
            Best to take a poke of goodies and soda-pop. This is a leisurely and beautiful trip in any season.
            For those who have never ridden on a train. It is a new awakening in travel.
            A place where you may sit back and relax. The world drops away and just you and nature exist.
            OOPS. Posting a You tube must be a NO No? Sorry!.
            By going to You Tube and asking "Algoma Central RailRoad" a number of
            videos appear. They are all good.


            • #7

              Bank fishing Lake Erie 2008. Perch run was in full swing.
              Holiday Harbour, Wheatley Ontario


              • #8
                Erie was laying well this dAY

                Kayaking on Erie after perch. Not usually a meat eater.
                But, perch were made a perfect size for a fryin pan.
                What can a fella say.


                • #9
                  Excellent Angler57, by golly it's very good! Now here are some suggestions. Next time put your photos in the photo gallery section on the forums, it's right below this forum. Second, if you would like to tell us where you went in some detail, photos of you rig, your kayaking, or any info about the campground that you spent some time at(even an overnight). There is the section, "Where To Go" that would great if you could put info there too. If you repeat yourself, so what! Look, someday I may want to camp near Lake Erie, but there are plenty of people that just enjoy looking around this site. What ever you can add about the foxhole where you camp and enjoy life is greatly appreciated! Oh, by the way(btw) did I thank you? Hey, Thank you! You have mastered good skills already and once you get over the six moderated posts then you're on your own! Thanks so much to contributing!
                  Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                  Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

