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time limits

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  • time limits

    looking to do a long term camp, 6 months to 1 year,need to get away from it all for awhile.have monthly income am diabled but can walk on my own,need a cane most times.looking for places to camp with no time restictions if there is such a thing anymore.dont want to have to move to different places every 14 days.might start a book if i get insired.anyplace but slabcity

  • #2
    Originally posted by thunderson5 View Post
    looking to do a long term camp, 6 months to 1 year,need to get away from it all for awhile.have monthly income am diabled but can walk on my own,need a cane most times.looking for places to camp with no time restictions if there is such a thing anymore.dont want to have to move to different places every 14 days.might start a book if i get insired.anyplace but slabcity
    Howdy thunderson5,
    I'm not sure where slabcity is, in Vegas, jail is called the concrete hotel so I don't think you ever would want to camp there. There are a few places in the country where I know a person can camp for an extended period of time, like six months from say September 15th to April 15th. Back East these places are called trailer parks, out in Arizona a person can apply with the state government and stay for that length of time at only a couple of State Parks. I know the desert(Colorado Desert) around Yuma and the State Park at Alamo Lake, just west of Phoenix by about 100 miles offers extended camping. Most other places allow camping only for 15 days at anyone place and that is even for dispered(free) camping. And even then you have to ship in your own water and "loaded firearms" are usually not permitted. In Alaska, the stay in state parks can be longer than 30 days but like Arizona, a person has to apply months in advance and pay a fee of at least a $100. The disabled & veteran or golden access pass permits do not apply here.

    Now private campgrounds are a different matter. There is one in Bourbon, MO, but the fees to camp must be paid in advance and run between $1500 to $3000 for a six month period. Usually trailer parks or RV parks are more ecconomical and then so is the social life surrounding those affairs. The really best advice I can give is to take your chances and google "camping longterm." See what you come up with(Bourbon, MO is in there, like on page one or two). If you decide to go camp someplace in a protected forest(state or federally protected) of some kind and if you are told by a ranger to move and you haven't moved by the time he returns to check on you, the fines can be very steep! The possiblity of during a stretch in a concrete hotel could become a reality and that is a wish that no one wants for another, truth be told! :eek:
    Last edited by renodesertfox; 08-24-2009, 12:43 AM.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      You may be able to get on as a 'park host' at some campgrounds. Requires some minimal 'work', which can be virtually nothing at some, like counting visitors, or some clean-up duties. Usually they allow to camp for free while doing this. A lot of RV campers do this to minimise costs.
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:

