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Good Idea or bad

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  • Good Idea or bad

    I am planning a scouting trip with my husband and we are trying to see what kind of supplies that we might need for a snow caving experience. All of the scouts are buying some new jackets with the North Face Coupons that we found. Now all that I want to know is some simple tricks or supplies that we can use when we are snow caving.

    Please help a sister out.

    Thank you,

  • #2
    Hey back,
    Here's a short & sweet website you should read and heed first. Next, if you have the neccessary experience there are links within this mountaineering website that are excellent sources for what you might be looking for. But it is always a good idea to be extra careful when camping by this method. I did it in the service at Ft. Greeley, AK back in the 1970s under cold weather survival school and you have to be real careful. Please study this website carefully, it might just save your life someday, and I'm not pulling any punches here!


    Welcome to the camping boards and we all hope your stay here will be a long and happy journey camping! Snow Caving is not a recreational sport, it is a survival tool when faced with hardship of living in a cold environment without the comforts of home.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

