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FALL Camping or Boating or floating

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  • FALL Camping or Boating or floating

    This fall camping in Indiana and sitting around a nice fire
    is just not on the boards. Usually this time of year our fear here is of dry conditions. Often fires are out of the question.
    Fall began here with a 4inch rain and rains earlier for nearly two weeks. Never less than an inch or more per day. And, many days of three inch rains.
    As I write this, it is pouring outside. Three inches yesterday.
    Hope other folks are having better weather. Now, I don't mind camping in a rain from time to time. But, BUT this is a bit to much.

  • #2
    Yeah, nothing wrong with a rain shower or two (kind of nice, sometimes), but when it's raining like that - ugh!


    • #3
      What's rain?.........


      Hasn't rained here since February 09 and we only got .15 of an inch. Yep, sure is dry, but that is why they call it a desert. In the ponderosa forests where we camped this weekend, Hilltop CG at 8495' campfires are permitted and there were plenty. The campground was full all 35 sites. 40% have to be set aside as walk-in and they are the best sites. Our's was, photos will follow....
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


      • #4
        It has finally STOPPED raining here in North Florida! Supposed to be cool and dry all this week.
        I'm planning a quick 'overnighter' this weekend locally.

        One hitch in my longer-range plans, is in January I and some other local dual-sport riders host a big campout and riding meet on the MLK holiday weekend. Unfortunately, the YMCA campground we have used the previous four years has been closed down, and may well be sold!
        Fortunately we have located a smaller campground west of town, on the river - still borders our National Forest. Actually, it's a lot closer to where I live - big plus! It is smaller though, and there are folks living there in RVs, so we will not 'own' the place while we are there, like before. And no cabins for those who like more 'comfort' - it'll be all tents with a few RV spots available. Ah well - we all learn to deal with change. :rolleyes:
        And I can show the visiting riders a part of the National Forest they haven't seen before!
        Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


        • #5
          Hey Bigdog57; Happy Trails and fairwinds on your venture. We have lows of 38F
          for this weekend. With gusting 20mph winds now and 68F. Late fall appears to be coming early this season.
          Know your mid-winter to be much milder for camping.
          Fella across the road is combining beans and the corn is near ready.
          Just required a bit of dry to be able to get into the fields and let the moisture content lower.


          • #6
            Yep, BD you are plenty mindful of the changing camping scene there in FL. If this get together in January was as successful as last January's was, you'll be fine and in a part of the woods that you know best. That almost makes me wanna come out there, but that is a long drive still and just camping for weekends here are taking their toll on my new stablized back. This past weekend I did walk a 6 mile trail in 8 hours, never thought I would ever be off the trail, but I did it and now I spent all of Monday in bed resting. Still I'm planning on hiking the Grand Canyon again for my 60th birthday in three years. How has been your river camping, or is that still planned for October, right around the bend?
            Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
            Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

