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Seeking seclusion

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  • Seeking seclusion

    I recently went on my first camping trip with my girlfriend to Percy Quin state park in Mississippi. When we arrived we proceeded to our designated primitive camping area and set up camp. At the time we were surrounded by about 3-4 other families/couples. As the day drew on and night fall set in, the influx came of families and children. This ruined the trip for me. How can I find a good place to camp that will be secluded and still capable of me reaching with a sedan. I have tried to search on the net but can't seem to find much info. Everything seems to be fabricated nature spots. Any tips would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Come to the great pacific northwest. You will find seclusion in abundance. Especially this time of year.

    The picture you see in my avatar was taken in SE Oregon, in a forest service campground, in June, and there was probably not another human within 20 miles. About as close to heaven as you can get.

    Last edited by Curmudgeon; 10-22-2009, 03:17 AM.
    Never underestimate the power
    of stupid people in large groups.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Curmudgeon View Post
      Come to the great pacific northwest. You will find seclusion in abundance. Especially this time of year.

      The picture you see in my avatar was taken in SE Oregon, in a forest service campground, in June, and there was probably not another human within 20 miles. About as close to heaven as you can get.

      Howdy Curmudgeon, and welcome I'll have to steal your words. Cause it's that way too here in southern Nevada. Everybody comes to see Vegas and that it nice for me and what folk don't really give a rat's whiskers what happens here. This is the best time of year to camp. I could take Dust10 out into the desert not 25 miles out and you won't see another person for days! Now that is a peaceful easy feeling. But on "the strip" or downtown and it's a parking lot, everyone is living in each other's armpits, yuck!
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


      • #4
        Checkout any of the National Forests in Mississippi:
        Dispersed camping is allowed in all these areas, so you are free to find your own little piece of personal solitude


        • #5
          Here in north Florida, we have a buch of 'hunt camps' that are open year round and accessible by car, usually few if anyone there - except during hunting season!
          We can also camp in the National Forest, except during hunting season - but I do occasionally slip in then for some 'stealth camping'. My D/S bike can get me in well off the road, so I can 'disappear'.
          One state park we have - 'Torreja State Park' - has two camping areas - a fully equipped RV park, and a 'primitive camping' area a mile or so in the woods on a nature trail, but no vehicles on the trail, you carry everything in and out! Few folks want to hike that short distance, so it is usually quiet. Very scenic, on the river with lots of local history.
          Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:

