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November 2009 Camping Plans?

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  • November 2009 Camping Plans?

    Whose camping in November 2009? I know I'm starting the month out right. We are leaving Oct 29th and not returning until Nov 2nd(see Oct camping for details). So who else might be camping, share your plans here? Hey, thanks in advanced for sharing and of course for camping!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    We'll hit the beach a time or two and depending on the weather we might head up to Yosemite, now that the tourist season is over


    • #3
      November 2009 Camping Plans

      Hey all. Im trying to find a good camping area for early November. Any ideas on someplace within 1-3 hours of Phoenix, less than 3,500 feet, and near some interesting dayhikes i.e., ruins, views, etc?

      belarus wife


      • #4
        Originally posted by D.psync View Post
        Hey all. Im trying to find a good camping area for early November. Any ideas on someplace within 1-3 hours of Phoenix, less than 3,500 feet, and near some interesting dayhikes i.e., ruins, views, etc?

        Howdy D.psync, how about Alamo Lake State Park, AZ. Nice place and off the beaten track, one paved road in. Good for camping!
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5

          If I can get one more weekend with weather in the 60's and 30's at night my son and I will go. Anything colder is just to cold for a 4 year old boy.


          • #6
            Yes, indeedy, I know what you mean! Happy to hear your children camp with you! Rather you than me...already been that route, have fun! Maybe temps will hold, maybe not! A 4 year old is hard to handle, I really can't remember mine that young, but good luck just the same. He can probably fish better than I!:D
            Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
            Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


            • #7
              Gunlock State Park, Utah

              Thanksgiving weekend we are headed to Gunlock State Park in southwestern Utah. Will take Visa Potty 268 with to field test and of course our Kodiak Cabin Tent. This autumn has been cooler than the last few recent autumns on the desert so we are looking forward to setting the Kodiak up. Have read that Gunlock is good bass fishing so I'm off to the stores for tackle of the plugging variety. Never plugged before only fished with fly so also looking forward to that as well! Thanks for looking, hope your November camping plans are jelling, or at least forming some ideas of where to camp when the weather warms in your neck of the woods! Thanks!
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


              • #8
                Right now planning on either Thanksgiving evening or Black Friday night camping in the NW corner of Illinois at the in-laws. They live out in the country and have 40 acres or so. Most of it timber. There is a grove of pines that I am thinking about using. Of course alot is going to depend on the weather. Not prepared for real cold or snowy weather. Otherwise hope to do a solo camp. Figure it will definitely be too cold for the rest of the family. And best thing is that if it gets too cold during the night I am only a short hike away from the house.


                • #9
                  Living out here in sunny Las Vegas sure has thinned out my blood. But here's the weather at Gunlock Stae Park in southwestern Utah where we are camping this weekend. Cloudy, daytime temps near 55 degrees and the night temps are forecasted for 28-30 degrees. Even though it will be a lot of work, we are really looking forward to pitching our Kodiak Canvas Wall Tent 9x12! Elevation 3600'. Las Vegas sits at 2015' above sea level. Thanks for looking!
                  Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                  Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

