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Tolerate of Camping Music?

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  • #16
    Yeah but I bet BD does not ref up his loud pipes and go driving thru the camp at the break of dawn either. Of course I am sure that the other tent campers in that campground would not have seen a thing. I can see it now. "Officer he was just going along and feel right off the bike. And the thing kept going all the way into the river" (the park was right on the Mississippi). Of course there would have been a half mile of road and some turns but the bike made it riderless none the less.


    • #17
      VDF, that's why we prefer to use motorcycle-only campgrounds for our meets! The noise of the engines is sweet music - in the right setting! :D
      If in January you hear a distant rumble in the East, like God's own thunderstorm - it's just 50 or so KLR650s cranked up for the morning ride! :eek:

      In the State CGs, we are usually puttering around late enough in the morning that we don't wake anybody. I like to take my time over coffee and breakfast, getting the old 52 year old body going again. We load the bikes, crank up and go - no touring around the CG causing grief.
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


      • #18
        A congregation of dual sport bikes I could live with. But to tell the truth, I only complain about generator noise and music I can't stand. Personally, I favor The Blues: Albert King, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Roy Buchanan, Paul Butterfield Blues Band, James Cotton, Muddy Waters, Charlie Musselwhite and of couse Bob Dylan! If I hear that I say "turn it up so everyone can hear!" That is why we camp alone, so I can hear my blues! Truth be told!:cool: But desertrose favors elevator jazz of Stan Getz & early Miles Davis, there's good stuff there too.

        Hey, BD maybe you might post up some motorcycle only campgrounds? Give you more to do than watch Hurricanes coming in.
        Last edited by renodesertfox; 11-25-2009, 12:24 AM.
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #19
          Adam and Eric have said what the problem is and offered a solution but I have watched a neighbor complain about kids being to loud during the day. Some people like to complain.
          I have found quiet time to be the few hours before my campfire dies down at about 1 am. when we camped with kids they were allowed to be active all day. After dinner there were s'mores and songs around the campfire and the company of other families with kids. As they slowed down and went to sleep we, the adults , enjoyed a peaceful hour or two.
          I once had a neighboring site complain to the ranger that I still had a dieing campfire at midnight. Imagine their surprise when at 5:30 I started breakfast. The chirping birds and squirrels made the only noise and the smell of bacon and coffee woke everyone up. I made a deal with them that if they left me alone I would not make breakfast until 7. it worked. Next morning I heated my coffee, went to the lake and watched the geese wake up.
          2006 GMC Sierra 1500 HD Crewcab
          2004 Rockwood Freedom 1640 LTD
          I am not lost, I am here


          • #20
            Nice thing about the young kids is they run around like puppies, then wear themselves out and go to sleep.

            Them in their late teens and twenties have the Energiser batteries....... They just going and going.......... :D

            I get up early too - habit from my military days, just like my Father. My favorite time of day is just at daybreak! Especially in the woods - it's comforting watching and hearing the forest awakening.
            Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


            • #21
              Ditto Dawg, but here it's the desert getting up! In Vegas, though there is always a siren going off from some cop racing to the donut shop!
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


              • #22
                it is nice to know the dogs and foxes enjoy the early morning too!!:D
                I hear tell that places like vegas never sleep .... they miss the simple pleasures !!!
                2006 GMC Sierra 1500 HD Crewcab
                2004 Rockwood Freedom 1640 LTD
                I am not lost, I am here



                • #23
                  Right you are! When people think of Nevada, Las Vegas is the first thing that comes to mind...and people come here in droves! Vegas is an international destination...but Nevada is way better than that! It really isn't all that it is cracked-up to be. People think our children were born on "Crap" tables...with dice in the hands and knowing how to cheat at poker! No, I don't live in a hotel and I do enjoy the simpler side of life that requires getting out of Las Vegas at any chance I can! I've really seen Las Vegas grow, my folks moved here in 1956 when I was a mere pup of 4 years...the town really tries to act like a big city, like LA or New York...but it's roots are still small-town but you have to look really hard now-a-days to find it like it use to be! Or just do what we do and go camping alot! I made a nice niche for myself in the industrial photo-industry when Vegas really began to grow. Wedding photography is really a big business here as well as girlie type photography, but I had nothing to do with that, except religious big weddings, on the side. When we moved into the house we are currently at, it was on the outskirts of town, dirt road all the way. Now we are becoming city center for northwest Las Vegas. Really looking forward to camping again!
                  Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                  Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                  • #24
                    From what we are being told here by the talking heads on the news, LV is having economic troubles of it's own. I guess not so many folks these days with disposable cash to gamble away, or to spend on those fancy shows.
                    Is it as bad out there as they say?
                    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


                    • #25
                      I'm not into sports except college baseball...never on TV. But if you glance at a pro football or basketball game, the stands are usually full. Shows here are sold out on weekends, rooms are almost always 80% full, traffic is a night-mare, unless you know your way around town. Airline traffic is only down because it's December and New Years this town will be jumping! Interstate 15 from LA to here is bumper to bumper Fridays and Sunday nights. People walk the strip any hour of any day just to say they have been on the "strip." Yippee! There are flights in and out of here 24/7 and I have a few friends that work on the tar-mac and planes are full. 3000 people move here a month and house selling is down but not house buying! There are a lot of rich people here, movie stars live here, the late Michael Jackson had two homes here. Jerry Lewis still lives here! The best names in entertainment except for Blues and jazz come here! Garth Brooks Shows have been sold out for months! Barry Manilow is as popular as the Catholic Church! Back in the day there were only a couple of 5 star they are everywhere! Betting on sport is big here too and I have a couple of friends that work in the sportsbooks and they are busy almost every night! Sluggish times here is just hype to get people to come here and depart with their hard-earned dollar! And people do!:eek:sad.....

                      New Year Eve, doesn't rival NY city...but the police block off downtown for a 6 block drunken party...and the strip is blocked off too for four miles for another drunken bus rides home that night! DUI are serious offenses here as anywhere! People come from all over just to party the night away and try and share spit with whomever they bump into. Desertrose and I, like every year since we've been hitched will be out...Camping... in the boonies away from all that!
                      Last edited by renodesertfox; 12-03-2009, 05:07 PM.
                      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

