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Winch Camping?

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  • Winch Camping?

    I wish I had one...I've asked Santa, many times, every year for a lot of years but I don't own one yet! If you have a winch attached to the front of your rig, have you ever used it for camping or helped someone out of a tight jam while camping? I wanted to a couple of times but had to call a wrecker instead. No fun in that! If you have we would love to hear from you, being that good neighbor? Or if you like a particular winch and have photos post it up. Thanks for looking and remember if you aren't a registered member here all you have to do is register, it only takes a minute and your first half dozen posts are moderated(spammers beware). Camping is such a great pastime and if you have a winch all the better! Rock Crawler Campers, here's your chance!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    I went camping with a winch once. But it really did not work out. I am not complaining though. Because if I had stuck with her, I never would have met my wonderful wife.


    • #3
      :DHAHA!! Good one here, S! Heehee!:D
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


      • #4
        If I put a winch on my bike, I'd just drag myself into the muck too! :D
        Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


        • #5
          A thousand comedians out of work here in Vegas and you guy are crackin' jokes!...I'm proud to be your freinds! Keep Camping, it's our blood! Heehee! It's what makes us tick!

          You know, thinking off the cuff...I haven't seen that many "people of color" camping here. Somehow we got to change that because I see "people of color" all over the camping places I go!!!!!! Somehow, people might be thinking we are "middle class white americans" camping. There is more to our story....yeah, life is camping but how do you get people of color, that camp often to come here and chat about it????? It's totally up to those people to chip in and join up. Which by the way is free of course, just takin' the time to do so this a feat all by it's self. We should just keep pluggin' all the time...and our ranks will increase, by cracky!!! Or my name ain't Vegasdesrtfox and we are just humming Dixie! Just my 2 cents...ain't worth a dime. Thought? Your 2 cents are welcomed?
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

