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Secluded Winter Camping

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  • Secluded Winter Camping

    I live in NY and was looking to do some winter camping/hiking. Primarily I would just like to be secluded from the world and people..though I love you all very much Where do you think an ideal location would be? I am very fit, and would like to hike some beautiful areas. I am more than happy to travel to whatever location as long as it is a secluded area with some nice winter hiking.I am going to get the proper supplies and make sure I take the proper precautions as well. I just want to be one with nature for a week and enjoy some time with me myself and I. I would appreciate it so so much if someone had some suggestions. Thank you so very much.

  • #2
    Howdy TimCNY,
    The location that you are searching for has one limitation "beautiful places." To me the Desert National Preserve about 25 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada is one such beautiful place. There are 1 million acres of desert land and six mountain ranges encompassing the stark beauty of the land. It is the largest federal protected land area in the lower 48 states! There are only two rocky 4x4 dirt roads running through this land. There are several primitive campsites that hardly ever see the dusty cloud of a jeep or passer-byer in the winter time. The rules are easy, a campsite must be 100 yards off the roads, you must be 1/4 mile from any natural occuring spring and 1/2 mile from dips created for Bighorn Mountain Sheep. You'd have to pack-in everything and everything out. Day temps average high 40s and nights in the teens. If a winter storm blows through snow levels can drop to 1500'. Hayford Peak is the highest point near 10,000 ft. On Hidden Forest Road which was a road when I was a kid, now a trail, there's a cabin that was built in the early 19th century. But it's hike in 4 miles after driving so 42 miles. Not many trails are here, I have followed sheep trails and seen some "beautiful" country. There is no restriction on fires from 11-15 to 3-15. There is also a place called Desert Pass in this area that is primitive camping too, but that has a table, firering and a couple of vault toilets. During the day you would probably only see a ranger every-now-and-then and on weekends maybe someone trying to 4x4. The road isn't plowed if there is snow, plenty of solitude there now! If you're still interested check out the Photo Gallery and look for "Desert Pass". That'll give you an idea. I've never winter camped there...too remote! No one will ever hear you, no phone. Just your own luck to save should never travel the desert alone that far out, it's a long walk out! That's my suggestion maybe others will chime in...depending. Good luck!
    Last edited by renodesertfox; 11-30-2009, 10:06 PM.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Hi TimCNY,

      My wife and I are year round backpackers. We are druelin' at the tease of base snow we have near us (So. Oregon), and teased more by the predicitons of good snow in another 4-5 days.

      We love to pack in for a day, set up camp at the base of a good size hill, and spend the next day or two telemark skiing in the area. We love it because, as you are looking for, there is no one around and we have the whole area to ourselves.

      It is our experience that even though there are several to lots of cars at winter trailheads, MOST of those cars belong to people going only a short distance or staying on trails. It isn't difficult to head off into areas where others aren't, and with a map, comp**** and gps, we can find slopes we want to ski down and know before we get there (by looking for tracks) if anyone is remotely in the area.

      If I can help you in any way with gear, support, or ideas, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

      So. Oregon
      TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
      TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
      SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)

