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Passerby Wavers?

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  • Passerby Wavers?

    We've camped around USA, Canada and a little in Mexico for years and everytime a passing auto(car, truck, trailer or RV) people just gawk at every site they pass. We do the same, a quick glance, though. But folks also have a tendency to stick out an arm and move it to wave at you and they don't even know me! What's up with all that? That's another reason for dispersed camping. Where in the rule book does it say I have to wave back? Once my bride did wave at a passing motorist and low and behold these folks stopped there car, right then and there in the street and came over to talk, like we were old friends. That's why we never wave at anyone!

    Do these people think that they are in a parade?....

    Maybe they should throw plastic beads?.....

    Once out of the campground no one waves at one another unless it is to show you how many friends they have! Or how many times they've been camping! They don't move it around either like waving it at you! Some are bent arm or bent wrist upwards. One digit protruding...what kind of wave is that? And then these happy motorists frown at you and move their pie holes like their trying to sing-along with the music in my vehicle! I have a concealed weapons permit and have never, ever used my piece in anger, never will, that's not my nature. It just boggles the sawdust between my ears, why people just want you to think they're being friendly. Friendly, walk over to another's site and bring something to share like food, or beverage, even a beer will do. Then I'll be more friendly at campgrounds. Most of the time when someone comes over to our site it is to try and borrow something, like I'm a camping library! When I first started camping with my pops a long time ago he loaned out a bunch of wood. No one ever repaid him for it. Then another time he loaned a Coleman Lantern but when it was returned the gas was gone and the mantles dis-mantled. I learned then not to loan anything! When a smokie or a ranger approach your vehicle or camp they never wave? So what's your opinion? Wave or not to wave that is the question, sorry I got off-track. Thanks for looking. Happy Holidays just the same!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Me, I'm kind of a wise-azz. I like to screw with peoples minds. I'd say when strangers drive by waving, moon them. If you wave back and they stop to chat, go up to their car and say "thanks for stopping , I'm stranded and can use a few dollars to get home". Or if a bunch of arrogant people are camped near you and you don't want them bothering you, get on your celphone and act like your arguing with someone. Then start throwing stuff around like your angry at someone, maybe shout a bunch of obsenties. Then grab an axe and start chopping some fire wood. They'll think that your a nut case and stay away from you for the rest of the camping trip. Myself, I'm thinking of putting on a chicken mask and run around my campsite scratching at the ground while wearing a thong. Maybe put a few blow up dolls in chairs next to my tent and sit there and have a conversation with them. That should keep most people an arms length away.


    • #3
      I reckon we are a mite friendlier down heah in the Deep South......

      Yep, I wave back. If I'm not busy unpacking or repacking the bike, if they want to jawjack a bit, I'm game! It's kindov an unwritten rule that MC riders often wave at one another - the "low wave" usuall, sometimes with two fingers extended - means to keep you wheels on the ground! :D
      Had a young kid strike up a conversation with me on a road trip once - I had stopped at Mickey Dees for a burger. I was in Tenness at the time, he looked at my gear strapped on, and asked where I had ridden from - he was shocked that this 'glorified dirtbike' had come 500 miles from Florida!
      I like to talk with other campers, see where they are from, and share experiences. But I don't loan anything out either!
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


      • #4
        Passerby Waving

        The problem I have on the trail is my llama, Billy Bob. Others on the trail are surprised to see a llama. Billy has had to get use to all the hub bub and attention as others seem to ALWAYS want their picture taken with him. Jokingly, I feel like carrying a sheet of paper with me to hand out to others about him. On the other hand, after about 5 minutes the questions/answers are over, and we all go our seperate ways.

        Oh.......... Of course I love it when others interact with Billy because they find out that not all llamas SPIT:eek:
        So. Oregon
        TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
        TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
        SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)

