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Sleeping bag - recommendation

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  • Sleeping bag - recommendation

    I have planned to visit Cabela's this weekend to buy a good sleeping bag that he can use during winter. I need your advice before any purchase. The one I have is big and fluffy but it takes up almost all the space in my sleeping bag. I need something that will keep me warm on frigid winter nights and not take up a lot of packs space.

    Any recommendation will be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Originally posted by dealrocker View Post
    I have planned to visit Cabela's this weekend to buy a good sleeping bag that he can use during winter. I need your advice before any purchase. The one I have is big and fluffy but it takes up almost all the space in my sleeping bag. I need something that will keep me warm on frigid winter nights and not take up a lot of packs space.

    Any recommendation will be greatly appreciated.
    Howdy dealrocker,
    Trust the saleman at Cabela's! Ask him or her the same questions you asked here and the sales person at Cabela's won't steer you wrong. Speaking for myself...that is exactly what I would do in your situation. It's very hard to ask some general question here looking for a specfic response. There are many great quality sleeping bags on the market today and a salesperson at Cabela's isn't just after a quick any good equipment dealer they are looking for repeat business. Expecting a quick reply here with very general questions, over night, isn't what camping forums is all about. More specific questions should be addressed and the sale people at Cabela's will be able to ask you in person. If you are in need of more information there are some great threads here written about sleeping bags...I would read these over so you'll be able to ask more direct questions. Good luck?
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      If light weight and smaller size is a key feature for you, you pretty much have to go with a mummy bag (the trimmer shape is lighter and easier to warm than a square bag). Don't be shy about trying it out in the store - there are a lot of differences between sleeping bags. You want to ensure that it fits around your head comfortably and doesn't feel claustrophobic. You also want to ensure that the footbox is comfortable and that the overall length fits your body. A bag that is too short is obviously uncomfortable, but a bag that is too long can get cold.

      Good luck!

