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Recreational enjoyment.

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  • Recreational enjoyment.

    Just curious if anyone has certain outdoor actvicities they enjoy doing while camping or if its just a time to relax and do nothing. I enjoy fly fishing, moutain biking, (when not in a survival primative camp scenario), photography, and believe it or not.....reading.....I love reading in the quiet solitude of the outdoors. I'm not a bookworm but I do read quite a bit on camping outings.
    "Survival isn't learned overnight" ~XXXMoonshineXXX~

  • #2
    Much of my camping is while engaged in a motorcycle meet, or during a roadtrip.
    I am in the process now of getting ready for our Fifth Annual Tour de Apalachicola Dual Sport Meet down here in the local National Forest. We usually have about forty riders, coming from as far as Illinois, NY andone year had a married couple from Oklahoma! Most are Southeast riders (Tennessee, NC and SC, Georgia and Alabama) who want to extend there off-road riding season.
    We had used a local YMCA kid's camp, bringing them some much-needed funds in their off-season, and helping to fix the camp up and repair&service their ATVs the kids use.
    Unfortunately, the camp has fallen on hard times this year (who hasn't...?) and have closed. So, I have found another local public campground that agreed to take us in - it'll bring them an influx of cash during their off-season too. We are mostly older professional types and not the agressive noisy "kids on dirtbikes" that folks get tired of quickly...... :D
    We hope to make a good impression on "Ed & Bernice's Fishcamp".
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      Nice thread...I enjoy photography still after doing it for a living for over 35 years and still shoot both film & digital. Digital is quicker but film has more detail. But that's another story. We like hiking alot when camping and playing scrabble in the tent with Mr. Heater on! We read too but I like reading cookbooks and fiquring out how to adjust the receipe to camping. We are avid birders also but not associated with any groups of people. I just made a slow cooker ham bone soup that we are taking with us, so cooking will be easier. I also enjoy fly fishing(don't do it as often as I would like, living in the desert). I also hunt(bow) and waterfowl(shotgun). My back surgery is now over 6 months ago and I'm really feeling stronger than I've ever felt, though my backpacking is still on hold. The left knee still is acting up.
      Last edited by renodesertfox; 12-20-2009, 07:31 AM.
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


      • #4
        Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
        My forte...any particular settings you hunt...river, marsh field?
        "Survival isn't learned overnight" ~XXXMoonshineXXX~


        • #5
          I've been a range shooter, milsurp and vintage .22 collector and handloader for years, but am just getting back into hunting (deer and squirrle). One hunting buddy (also a riding buddy) has a new TT and plans to camp and hunt this year on his hunting lease property - hopefully I can join him for a bit of camping/hunting too.
          We also have located a 'secret fishing hole' reachable only by dirtbike or afoot - good place to camp and fish!
          Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


          • #6
            I love reading, fishing, canoeing and swimming. I enjoy a good hike as well but my five year old tires quickly and we usually only go a 1/2 mile or so.


            • #7
              Whether it's a day hike, a short weekend in a trailer, 5th wheel, rv, cabover camper, or tent in our hearts and minds we are just camping the best way we can not only for ourselves but also with our families. It's all recreational enjoyment! What I have purchased and have shown wasn't purchased overnight. Trial and error is the the best teacher...some call it the school of hard knocks...every campout is just practice for the next one! Hurry winter finish so we can get camping again, by cracky!

              Moonshine...I hunt duck(never shot a drake) from a foxhole, marsh/lake 12 gauge. Hunt big horn sheep in central Nevada with compound hunting bow when I get lucky and name is selected(not every year). Fly fish before I could walk, just started pluggin'(at age 57). When I was stationed in Alaska some thirty-five years ago, me and a couple of Army pals had trap lines. Never did like trapping, though. Before back surgery, life was a disabled vet's wheel chair destiny now I'm just a full fledge die-hard tenter with a load of comforts with desertrose and "old red"(WJ).
              Last edited by renodesertfox; 01-07-2010, 12:24 PM.
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


              • #8
                I have backpacked in on the Buffalo River in Arkansas a couple of times in the past. Nowadays can't do that, only places I can drive to. However, I'd like to hit up Alabama Gold Camp, to camp and prospect for gold.

