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Anyone else canoe camp?

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  • Anyone else canoe camp?

    Every summer my daughter and I go on a canoe camping trip down Current River in MO. Not exactly a raging white-water trip, but we really can relax and enjoy ourselves. No portages at all and you really don't even have to paddle if you don't want to (hence the name, Current River) which is sweet!

    We just paddle with our group (girls' youth group from church) until we get hungry or tired or find someplace to explore. Then we'll get going again until we find a likely-looking spot to camp (generally try for 1 or 2 regular spots that we like) and set up our tents and get the fire going.

    It usually is just a two day 3 night (1 in a campground and 2 on the river) trip but we have a great time. Something special about sliding through the water and enjoying God's artwork along the shore.

    If you can avoid holiday weekends, you can pretty much remain drunk-free which is nice.

    Its a wonderful couple of days that I get to spend with my daughter that I wouldn't trade for anything. When we're camped she gets to spend time with all her friends, but while we're on the water it's just me and her.

    This summer my oldest son will be old enough to go on the boys' trip, too.

    Anyone else here like to camp on a river bank?

  • #2
    I bought a Mad River canoe in late 2009, but haven't had it out camping yet. A buddy and I plan to do that when the weather warms again. I made sure mine (the "Adventure 14") has enough load capacity for my ample bod and plenty of gear! We have the Oklocknee River just a few miles down the highway from us. Our initial plan is to put in at Lake Talquin from the road my buddy lives on, traverse the lake then down into the river. Have his wife pick us up downriver a couple days later.
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      Oh, man. I'm crazy jealous! That's the exact canoe I've been lusting after! I really like them.

      I don't actually own one, we just rent (usually Old Towns) from an outfitter on the river.

      Sounds like you'll have some fun on your trip. Take pictures!


      • #4
        I own a Tandem "Old Town" Kayak. We have never camped from it but have taken it camping many times. We paddle mostly flat-water lakes large and small ones. But in the near future with my better half looking for a new VA position to a better job title it looks like Rancho Cordova, a sub of Sacramento might just be the new place in 3 or 4 months. The Las Vegas VA where she has worked for better than 15 years has become a playpen of backscratchers and back biters. So she is looking else where. The American River runs through the heart of Rancho Cordova so perhaps we'll get to run a gentle river. Twenty-five years ago we each had our own solo kayaks and we white-watered in the Sierras(CA) and the Unitas(UT). Those were the days(we wore football helmets then)HaHa! We also went down the Colorado in the Grand Canyon 14 years ago this year and camped on the river but that was in large rafts and a large group of people. Thanks for starting this thread!
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          Thanks for the replies.

          I've not been canoeing for very long, only started a couple of years ago (and I'm 40 now, so I came to the game pretty late) but I've really fallen in love with it. I like the easy pace and the surroundings.

          I'm not such a big fan of riding out big honking thunderstorms on a river bank, though. That seems to happen every single time, too!

          VDF - Good luck with the wife's job search and the possible move. Sounds like she's ready to move on. Moving can be trying, but also exciting. Although, I hate actually physically moving everything! I think I'd rather be beaten up. There's only so many little things I can put newspaper or bubble wrap around and then I sort of lose my mind a little.


          • #6
            Hey Vegas............ There is a 24-25 mile section of the Toulumne River, west of Modesto, which is a designated canoe camping section. It starts at Knights Ferry, off hwy 108. There are several places to get out and put in, so you can vary your stay. About 15 years ago, a friend of mine and I took four days to do the whole thing, pulling over when/where we wanted to for whatever purpose tickled our interest. It took four days because we let the current carry us most of the way. It is truly a beautiful section of river and it might tickle your fancy if/when you make your Sacratomato move.

            Yes, we own a canoe. Yes, I have canoe camped on both lakes and rivers, but haven't done it in years. I recommend it as a different experience. Go for it!
            So. Oregon
            TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
            TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
            SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)


            • #7
              Vegas....... You will find lots of "kayak and canoe" only wildlife sanctuaries/places within easy drive of Sacratomato to get your canoe wet.
              So. Oregon
              TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
              TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
              SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)

