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Camping Safety: General ideas shared here

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  • Camping Safety: General ideas shared here

    Even though camping can at times be life-threatening, observing distinct safety safeguards can add to a positive camping experience for many families. Safety should be the most essential facet of your camping out trip here are a few things to think about on your next camping trip.

    You should analyze the place of your camping out before doing anything else. You want to be particular and look for things like broken glass and other trash that could cause a possible problem. While you should invariably leave your camping out site better than when you found it, not all people live up to that high standard and you may be caught with the the consequences.

    Before you setup camp take some time to tidy up the camping site. You also want to make a point that there are no protruding sticks or sharp rocks around that could cause an accident if someone were to excursion on them or onto them. It's important to keep your camp site neat and clean to head off avertable accidents.

    If you are decided to go camping you must determine to sure if the location which you would like to go have any limitations on campfires. At certain times, dry circumstances or forest fires can cause a restriction to be placed on the use of campfires while camping out. Be particular about starting fires on windy days since this can cause the fire to spread about uncontrollably, so much that you won't be able to extinguish it yourself. To be safe constantly keep a bucket of water on hand to put out the fire and constantly completely extinguish the flames before going to bed or your camping out excursion could have a deadly outcome.

    When you go camping out, make sure you have a emergency first aid kit with you and drink lots of water. This way you and your immediate family will stay hydrated. Try to see if you may be allergic to something, like to bee stings before you go on a camping trip. You don't want to learn that you're vulnerable to a bee sting when you're a good distance away from the nearest hospital. An epipen or other medicine is essential to bring along if you have serious allergies or allergic reactions to bites or stings. Before you leave home check to see what types of poisonous plants and animals are in the location and be ready to deal with them on your camping out trip should the need arise.

    Memories can be formed and fun can be had with a camping trip. If you take the appropriate safety measures when you go, you will find that your excursion will go well and worry free. Make a point to keep safety first and your trip will go off without a hitch!

    If you would like to comment...please do. Comments are always welcomed...this is a forum, the last time I checked. So everyone's $0.02 means a lot here. Add some safety advice, it can't hurt and besides we are learning from each other. Just remember every camping trip is just practice for the next one! Get camping...
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Another important aspect of camp safety is to "Not feed the bears"!
    All food and trash should be hung in a 'bear bag' high enough to be out of Brother Bruin's reach, well away from camp. Carry some light line and a bag large enough to hold this stuff. A small weight on one end of the line to toss over the handy tree branch. Once the bag is hoisted to safety, tie off the line on the tree trunk high enogh to be out of easy reach. Some bears have figured how to 'get the goodies' anyway, so this is not foolproof.
    Also, do not camp too close to water on on a gametrail, again to not be bothered by the animals, and to not bother them!
    All cooking should be done a bit away from camp in bear country, and NEVER in one's tent! Be careful with kids, who might want to take a snack into the tent with them.
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:

