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Really cool product to try next time you go camping

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  • Really cool product to try next time you go camping

    Just thought I'd share this cool product I discovered.
    I went camping for the first time in years last weekend. It felt pretty good to get out again. Anyway one of my friends, she brought this stuff called funky colored flames.

    It makes your campfire turn blue, green, purple,red... your pretty much staring at a rainbow of fire LOL. Its pretty cool. It definitely grabs your attention. A few people form another campsite actually came over and asked us how we changed the color of the fire.

    So if your looking to attract some attention or looking for something spice up the campfire for the kids. its definitely worth checking out

    oh i think my friend said she got it at walmart if I'm remembering correctly.

  • #2
    I've seen that at Walmart and wondered if it really works. I'll assume it does based on your review. If nothing else the kids will like it. I'll grab some the next time we go out.


    • #3
      While mildly amusing, the packets produce only small amounts of colored flame and are quite pricey for the output.
      “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
      ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


      • #4
        Sounds neat if you want to excite children who already have the instinct to put anything in a campfire to see it burn! Yep, a little pricey but so is Disneyland. When our children were small we all went there once. So I can understand a desire to change the fire's color for entertainment. If you get a lot of people comin' over to your site maybe you could sell tickets so you could buy more firewood.
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          My son thinks it is pretty cool. I wish it lasted a little longer but it is fun and gives him somthing to look forward to. Reno you nailed it on the head as far as putting stuff in the fire. My oldest is always asking if he can put another log in. Daddy can I put another log in, can I put some logs in, Fire looks to be burning down can we put another log in. I started calling him Kenny. No one else got it even after I explained it Kenny Loggin(s).



          • #6
            Bwahahaha! "Kenny Loggins" - now THAT is funny! But, I guess you have to be into his music.......

            I vaguely remember from my High School Daze in Chemistry class - certain chemicals causing different colored flames. I'd reckon that is what this product is. I'd avoid breathing the smoke.....
            Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


            • #7
              Put a piece of old plastic hose in a length copper pipe. My dad did this at home, he just removes the pipe after it cools and reloads it.

