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Dealing with Ms. Quito

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  • Dealing with Ms. Quito

    I will be camping with a four year old daughter and my wife and i have a question regarding mosquitos (the Ms. Quito comes from one of my daughter's books).

    I am looking for a safe way to keep them and other insect pests away. We use citronella candles on the back porch, usually when our daughter is in bed. I'm not a big fan of chemical sprays.

    Does anyone have any good ideas?

  • #2
    IMHO, without using DeepWoods Off (DEET) it's pretty hopeless. I was raised in a cedar swamp and wouldn't bother with citronella candles at all. Have the recipients place their palms over their faces and spray around the head, then at the clothing outlets where hands and feet emerge from shirts and pants. DEET has been in use for over 67 years and found to be safe if used as directed. Eucalyptus-based repellents which contain Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus are the only effective alternative, but must be applied again and agaian about every 30-60 minutes to be effective, unlike DEET that controls the buggers 100% of the time for about two hours.
    Last edited by tplife; 06-04-2010, 01:20 PM.
    “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
    ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


    • #3
      There is something else you could try if you can find it. It is called "Neem Oil" and sometimes is available in a paste format. It has an odor that I don't like much and I have used it with some success against being bitten by ms quito.

      One of the most agravating things to me is the buzzing noise of mosquitoes - and having them fly around my head! That to me is as bad as being bitten by them. Unfortunately when I used Neem Oil, it didn't stop the mosquitoes from flying very close to my skin, but it did seem to repel them from biting.

      There is a product on the market as well which I field tested and found useless, but others swear by it. I think it is called the "Mosquito Annoyer" and is distributed by a company named William Joseph - they make fly fishing waders, and fly fishing gear. The Mosquito Annoyer is solar powered, clips on to whatever you are wearing, and gives off a humming noise. The theory behind it is that it the noise it gives off is the same noise as a male mosquito - which at the time the females are in their biting mode, they want nothing to do with male mosquitoes and therefore repels them.

      For head protection, I'll spray a baseball cap and soak it in a good repellant that contains DEET. The cap is stored in a plastic freezer bag but worn when needed. I find this helpful.
      Living In A Glendale Camper


      • #4
        Witch Dr. Remedy

        Here's an old witch doctor source that I have used and works great for a couple of hours. Truth is I use this remedy and deet too. But in a pinch without deet this is somewhat effective, sometimes. I learned this when I was in the Army at Camp Swampy(Ft. Stewart, GA) and at Ft. Puke(Ft. Polk, LA). btw: Camp Swampy is the home of the cartoon Beetle Bailey.

        First, you have to like oranges. Peel the orange, then eat the orange, then take the skin of the orange(the underside) and rub it on your arms, face and neck. It's also a good idea, even when it's hot and humid to wear loose-fitting long pants, long sleeved shirts and a hat. I know it sounds wacky, but I have had limited success with this technique. Just gotta have plenty of oranges! I've tried the oil from other fruits, lemons and limes are also good(not to eat though)! But if you have a small cut, these both sting in and of themselves! Ouch! Tangerines don't work at all because the oil is very dry, but they're great to eat.
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          It has been said that if you eat a lot of garlic, it will make you far less "apetizing" to the skeeters. I find some possible truth in that......
          If I am in a group with other people, the skeeters prefer them over ME!
          Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


          • #6
            Also interested

            Yeah, I'm also interested in this topic, though I tend to be an old-fashioned Deeps Wood Off type of guy. It's like the cologne of the outdoors.

            In regards to the Garlic idea, that is also likely to keep other people away which may not be a bad idea either.
            Needs for Facebook Fans. My mom doesn't really count.


            • #7
              Whoowee, the "Yellow Flies" are out -a bit late, they usually come out in the early spring but the extended freeze through their schedule off!
              I got some Cutter 100% Deet, which works great on Skeeters - but the danged yellow flies go right through it and bite hard! :eek:
              Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


              • #8
                Thanks for all the feedback. I'm looking forward to taking my daughter on her first camping trip!


                • #9
                  American Indian Lore

                  There is truth to eating raw garlic. I found this in studying native American Indian lore to apply some of their methods to primitive camping:

                  Eat raw garlic. The essence laces breath and exudes from skin pores, masking your lunch call.

                  Still gonna use deet too, though!
                  Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                  Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

