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Welcome visitors!!!!

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  • Welcome visitors!!!!

    Seeing some visitors browsing the forums, great!

    The member list is growing slowly, but steadily.
    It would be great if even 50% of visitors signed up and became active members.
    I love camping, have all my life.
    I was always searching for camping "stuff" on the web, found this site and never looked back.
    Always helpful people on here, and very rarely does 1-2 days go by without a post of some sort.
    I check in here almost daily to catch up on what's going on.
    Don't worry people, no spam from this site,no email collection.
    As far as I remember, just a username and password ( email addy to receive notifications of posts)
    And probably the best mod ever!! (not really a mod, but the cool Dad you never

    So browse around for a bit then sign up and jump on board, you'll be glad you did.

    from the GWN

  • #2
    Same here - I googled up several 'camping' forum sites, and am a member on a couple - but this place gets much more traffic, and imparts more knowledge. I feel much more at home here! Like in all types of forums, you look at several before finding the one that just 'feels right' and you gel with the other members!
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      I use to search the internet for various ideas or equipment reviews and once I found this site, I quit searchin. Lots of knowledge and experience flowing through this forum. I am a tent camper first and foremost but could never find a forum that had tent camping info. Seems like its always about RV's which IMHO is NOT camping. This forum has a lil bit of everything and I have come to be very comfortable here.

      I cant stress enough that the lurkers need to sign up and jump in cause if you like camping, this place will have you doing things that you never even thought far as camping. :D


      • #4
        More guests browsing............come on guys, join up...........a wealth of info on here!!!


        • #5
          Visitors... if you can't handle it... then don't join. I don't know if you noticed but we're kinda elite campers here... we know a lot. For example... we know you need a tent! AND a sleeping bag! You hang around us long enough rookie and you'll learn... but if you're not up for the challenge, we don't want any pansies in our crowd! HAHAHA!!! J/K! Welcome aboard!
          Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
          USMC Retired


          • #6
            I am a forum junkie. There are only 2 that I feel at home in and this is one of them. Many forums are very rude to newcomers, not this one.

            I felt comfortabe as soon as I posted!
            My Other Interest


            • #7
              777 members...........soon we'll hit 800.
              Maybe we need another "most users online attempt"?
              How bout Nov 6th?....


              • #8
                Originally posted by ontariocamper View Post
                777 members...........soon we'll hit 800.
                Maybe we need another "most users online attempt"?
                How bout Nov 6th?....
                Okay I'm if I ain't campin'! I'm always campin here if I ain't downrange! Who's in, by cracky!
                Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                • #9
                  I check in everyday anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem for me.
                  May you always have love to share,
                  Health to spare
                  And friends that care.


                  • #10
                    I'm in! November 6th :D

