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  • Skis??

    So I am wanting to get into some cross-country/backcountry skiing so I can do some back country camping during the winter. I am about to purchase a set of skis off of craigslist. I was wondering if I can turn regular skis into backcountry/cross-country skis by changing out their bindings?
    Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
    USMC Retired

  • #2
    Answer: Yep, it is possible but cc skis are narrower than downhill skis. In the ranger battalion in Alaska we called 'em suicide slats! Downhill skis are heavier too, which is a big no-no in fresh powder; ya sink way too much! Good luck! Get cc skis and you'll be happier in the long glide downhill, even fresh powder which is a dream to carve through! Like butter with a hot knife!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      and CC skis have what is called a camber.......if you put them on a flat surface (wood floor) them are raised in the middle.
      I recommend you get a pair of waxable skis.....I tried the "new" no wax skis (new in 1980...) they are useless.
      Contact me if you need more info.


      • #4
        Susan and I winter backpack, and use telemark skies. Telemark skies have "scales" on them for cross country skiing, yet you can downhill (sorta) with them, too.

        We have a couple special places good for advanced bunny hill skiing where we will backpack to. Packing in w/ the telemark skies give a stability when carrying a heavy load, and can be used for downhill skiing, too. We prefer them to CC when just skiing trail.

        Changing the bindings won't work because CC skies have scales on them to "grab" the snow so you can push off on them and move forward. You can't do that on downhill skies.
        Last edited by Eaglebait Ranch; 10-09-2010, 10:07 PM.
        So. Oregon
        TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
        TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
        SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)

