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  • Complaints!

    I hate to be negative but I just dont understand the majority of American Society! My wife, child and dogs go hiking a few times a week and camp as often as we can. We are always amazed at how few people we come into contact with out in the woods. Our typical hike is 25 minutes from a town of 250,000 people. We normally bump into zero people!! We camp as primitive as we can find. Here again we see very few people. Those we do are usually camping in large RV's watching movies and cooking indoors. I dont mean to judge others but I truly feel sad that so few folks like to get out in the woods. Especially during a recession, I would think that simple recreation like hiking or camping would be very popular. Cooking a few hot dogs under the stars and a ten dollar campsite is a heck of a value if you ask me!
    Im curious if you like minded campers have made similar observations?

  • #2
    I think most folks see camping as a luxury 'trip' only done once or twice a year. In this time of economic problems, they don't 'get out' and enjoy the outdoors.
    Many of the RVers are 'full-timers, and not really 'camping' anyways - that's their home.
    I would like to see more folks going camping rather than wasting money on theme parks and 'Da Mouse', as he's known down here. It's healthier, and the memories of a good camping trip will linger longer than a 15-minute thrill ride, for sure!
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      I think about that too. I have been camping since I can remember, and my sons first camp was at 2 weeks old!

      Nothing can compare to the memories I have of being outdoors, and I'm sure my son will feel the same way.
      My Other Interest


      • #4
        I am not sure if it matters what you sleep in or on as much as what you do while you are there. Sleeping in an RV a pop up, an air mattress, a cot or the ground all accomplish the same thing they allow your body to sleep or rejuvenate.

        I did both this summer RV and Tent and enjoyed both trips. The only difference between the two trips as far as activities was that I slept on a different surface and had to walk a little further to the bathroom. Otherwise I cooked outdoors, fished, swam, hiked, etc. No matter what I was sleeping in/on.

        I think what matters is what you do during the waking hours. Do you get out and hike as mentioned or fish, or bird watch or whatever. Everyone camps differently as long as you get out and do something is what is important. We do a lot of fishing and swimming and some occasional boating. My brother in law won't go anywhere unless there is a ski lake but either way both of us are outdoors all day and enjoying nature only our emphasis is different.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rxcamping View Post
          I am not sure if it matters what you sleep in or on as much as what you do while you are there. Sleeping in an RV a pop up, an air mattress, a cot or the ground all accomplish the same thing they allow your body to sleep or rejuvenate.

          I did both this summer RV and Tent and enjoyed both trips. The only difference between the two trips as far as activities was that I slept on a different surface and had to walk a little further to the bathroom. Otherwise I cooked outdoors, fished, swam, hiked, etc. No matter what I was sleeping in/on.

          I think what matters is what you do during the waking hours. Do you get out and hike as mentioned or fish, or bird watch or whatever. Everyone camps differently as long as you get out and do something is what is important. We do a lot of fishing and swimming and some occasional boating. My brother in law won't go anywhere unless there is a ski lake but either way both of us are outdoors all day and enjoying nature only our emphasis is different.
          I agree, for the record Im a big fan of RV's. My wife and I lived in one for a year traveling around the US.


          • #6
            I have to say that we don't have that problem at all here. We always see people. I think this state is the camping capitol of the world.

            Originally posted by joecamper View Post
            I hate to be negative but I just dont understand the majority of American Society! My wife, child and dogs go hiking a few times a week and camp as often as we can. We are always amazed at how few people we come into contact with out in the woods. Our typical hike is 25 minutes from a town of 250,000 people. We normally bump into zero people!! We camp as primitive as we can find. Here again we see very few people. Those we do are usually camping in large RV's watching movies and cooking indoors. I dont mean to judge others but I truly feel sad that so few folks like to get out in the woods. Especially during a recession, I would think that simple recreation like hiking or camping would be very popular. Cooking a few hot dogs under the stars and a ten dollar campsite is a heck of a value if you ask me!
            Im curious if you like minded campers have made similar observations?
            May you always have love to share,
            Health to spare
            And friends that care.


            • #7
              Yep, same here. There are plenty of people that camp in California and Nevada too! It's just that there are a lot of campers that try to camp in the off season with summer gear! They don't stick around much! Off season, autumn, winter and early spring are our best campin times because when we go campin we don't want to see anyone. That's why I favor dispersed campin and out of earshot of generators!:D
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


              • #8
                Yep, same here. Folks new to camping try it during the HOTTEST time of the year, rain, bugs...... so they get turned off. Our local campsites are generally nearly empty. NOW it's getting nice for camping. But, the Fair is in town, and folks take the Wally Wagon to Granny's for the holidays - camping is on the back burner.
                Well, that makes it nicer for those of us that DO camp this time of year.
                I'm beginning to gear up for my annual January Motorcycle Camp&Meet. That's always my biggest event locally - everything from tents and bivysacks up to full-sized RVs. Our new campground is better than the old YMCA place - full facilities for the RVs that we lacked before. On a nice lake, so the guys and gals can fish if they want.
                We provide a cheaper alternative for those riders who like to come down here where it's still 'riding weather' even in the heart of winter, while their homes up north in Kentucky, Illinois or NY are under ice. AND NO BUGS at this time! :D
                Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


                • #9
                  Complaint with a Smile!

                  My only complaint is that only 5 have voted in the last poll determining the GTG in Memorial Weekend 2012. Let's go if ya haven't! Thank ya if ye have already!
                  Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                  Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                  • #10
                    Everyone has different tastes and different styles. A lot of people find camping in a tent and sleeping on a thin pad hell on earth. The same with cooking and eating outdoors. Missing your favorite TV shows to sit around a smoky camp fire has little appeal for some folks.

                    I live in an area with lots of sportsman and outdoor enthusiasts but I know plenty of people who prefer restaurants and movies to dirt and bugs.

                    I say why complain? Be happy you can enjoy some solitude on the trails or at your campsite. Those people in the RVs probably don't understand the appeal of a hard cold bed or shooing bugs away from food.

                    To each his own, and be thankful, not sad for those who don't share your interests.


                    • #11
                      What I find humorous is when I mention to people that I go camping for 14-15 days....and would go longer if I could.

                      "14 days??!!!......we usually go for 2 nights maximum"

                      I think it is technology and modern times that are pulling people away from camping.

                      Take an informal poll......ask 10,000 kids , say between 6 and 12 which would they rather do, go camping or go to Disneyland/World........i think we know where the majority would go.

                      About 6 years ago we took our 2 kids camping, the Mrs. says "only book 3 nights, just in case they don't like it, then we won't lose too much if we have to come home"

                      Guess what?......they didn't want to COME HOME!!
                      Only 8 more months til camping trip!!:D


                      • #12
                        Having fun activities planed makes a world of difference whether or not kids enjoy camping. If all you do is sit around a campsite and sleep in a tent then kids will hate camping, most adults will too. Just sitting around doing nothing gets old pretty fast. Most adults who enjoy camping combine it with activities they enjoy like hiking, fishing, 4 wheeling, photography or dutch oven cooking.

                        My buddies and I used to go a lot because we were into off road racing. I've had many a cold night sleep on a rock pile outside Barstow where I'd have gladly traded camping for Disneyland. I was only the fun of the racing that kept us going back.


                        • #13
                          I was holding off because I wanted to research the areas of each first.

                          Originally posted by renodesertfox View Post
                          My only complaint is that only 5 have voted in the last poll determining the GTG in Memorial Weekend 2012. Let's go if ya haven't! Thank ya if ye have already!
                          May you always have love to share,
                          Health to spare
                          And friends that care.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Yukon Jack View Post
                            Everyone has different tastes and different styles. A lot of people find camping in a tent and sleeping on a thin pad hell on earth. The same with cooking and eating outdoors. Missing your favorite TV shows to sit around a smoky camp fire has little appeal for some folks.

                            I live in an area with lots of sportsman and outdoor enthusiasts but I know plenty of people who prefer restaurants and movies to dirt and bugs.

                            I say why complain? Be happy you can enjoy some solitude on the trails or at your campsite. Those people in the RVs probably don't understand the appeal of a hard cold bed or shooing bugs away from food.

                            To each his own, and be thankful, not sad for those who don't share your interests.
                            I appreciate your perspective, but I disagree.

                            I suspect that there are a lot of discontent folks who would be happier if they incorporated outdoor activities into their lives. I believe man was created to spend time in the natural environment and separation from it can lead to discontentment. Many of the distractions of modern life seem to pull us away from some of our natural tendencies. Humans can be fickle. I have often been miserable sleeping on the ground my first few nights out on the trail, but eventually I get used to it, than prefer it. By the time Im a week into a hike I can no longer sleep in a bed.

                            I guess Im not complaining as much as Im saddened that so few take advantage of the outdoors where I live.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by joecamper View Post
                              I believe man was created to spend time in the natural environment
                              That may be why we have different views on the subject.
                              Last edited by Yukon Jack; 11-08-2010, 10:55 PM.

