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Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

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  • Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

    Hi, we all know baked beans is a staple camping/pick-nicking food... so the question is posed: Do you eat the bacon piece used to season baked beans??
    We buy the cheaper brands that don't use actual bacon.
    We don't cook baked beans.

  • #2
    Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

    Okay, I voted! Food is food when campin! I've been known to chew on stones too! A pebble under the tongue is great!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

      How could anyone pass up such a flavorful morsel?


      • #4
        Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

        Steph, don't you mean salt pork? It's much fattier, and it's not smoked. Mmmmm...
        As my Israeli friend's dad said, there's Kosher food, and then there's Good food!
        “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
        ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


        • #5
          Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

          It's the BEST part!!! :cool:
          Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


          • #6
            Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

            I don't eat much in the way of massed produced foods that include meat anymore (KK....I rarely eat any kind of massed produced food :D) yet still fondly recall that lil piece of fatback in B+B baked beans. "Nowadaze", I open up a big can of veggie baked beans, add a lil minced or grated onion and green pepper, 2TBS of molasses, bacon drippings (optional)+ brown sugar each. Mix all together, pour into a shallow pan or skillet and cover w/ thick cut bacon. Cover with foil and grill fer 45-60 mins using indirect heat + direct heat to get the liquid to become syrupy. This way no more fighting over the bacon cuz there's enough fer everyone!

            July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
            Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


            • #7
              Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

              Looks like me and my kid brother are in the slim minority on the subject...lolz...just cant bring myself to eat it no matter how I adore bacon/turkey-bacon...firstly it just exudes this aura of still being raw...and secondly it's been slathered in brown sugar and mustard and other things that although nice just don't sit well as a companion to bacon itself for me for some reason...lolz


              • #8
                Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

                Originally posted by Stephini View Post
                no matter how I adore bacon/turkey-bacon...

                Turkey bacon? Sacrilege!


                • #9
                  Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

                  Hey I have made turkey bacon for a number of anti turkey bacon people without telling them and they couldn't tell one bit of difference until I told them...


                  • #10
                    Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

                    Susan and I, too, like another reader, stay away from processed food when we camp. On the other hand, I can certainly remember in a few "past lives" when I ate and relished eating baked beans w/bacon and other fixins in it. Delicious!
                    So. Oregon
                    TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
                    TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
                    SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)


                    • #11
                      Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

                      Turkey bacon, turkey ham, turkey burger, turkey chili - it's all good! :D
                      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


                      • #12
                        Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

                        I hafta ask...why does everyone seem to liken Baked Beans to absolutely being mass produced food?? baked beans can be made from scratch using a few cups of navy beans, some brown sugar, ketchup, mustard, and a few other things...seasoned with a piece of bacon...all of which can be made with your own two eco friendly hands and plants grown in that plot of dead earth between your sidewalk and house...well cept for the bacon i guess...porky needs a whole yard to grow until you harvest him for bacon i suppose...but still...


                        • #13
                          Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

                          Personally, I really like "Bush's Baked Beans", and they have several different flavors. Duke's boss has a good recipe, if he can just keep it away from the danged dog...... :cool:
                          Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


                          • #14
                            Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

                            I love baked beans, canned or homemade. I do eat the bacon in homamade baked beans but I don't think I've ever even tried the piece that comes in the can. It just always looked too fatty.
                            May you always have love to share,
                            Health to spare
                            And friends that care.


                            • #15
                              Re: Do you eat the bacon in baked beans?

                              Originally posted by arturo7 View Post
                              Turkey bacon? Sacrilege!
                              Hehehehe.I hear you
                              I'd rather cutback on certain deep dark pleasures than go to the "darkside" o turkey bacon:D

                              Stephini- I'm all for homecooked foods and consider self a perimeter shopper o merit. Still, in attempting to "clean up" my food intake supply, I accept certain compromises in keeping with where and how I live. Beans, like corn need lots o growing space and there's not enough cracks in my personal sidewalks (I actually live in a highrise:D) to make it worth my while. Then there is the time, cost and storage requirements o fuel fer cooking dried beans whilst camping that doesn't appeal to my personal idea of a vac. I'll slave all winter and spring, flash freezing green peppers and onions; make entire meals that are frozen in portions......anything to keep my actual cooking time outdoors to a minimum. Oh expect fer grilling....that I'll spend time cooking outdoors as I can't do it back home in the city .I feel so Weberless at home:(.

                              Still, I bet your total from scratch baked beans r the bomb!:cool:

                              July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
                              Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!

