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First weekend out me and my boy

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  • First weekend out me and my boy

    My wife and I were going to take the trailer out this weekend and have a weekend alone and the following week my boy and I were going tent camping. Looks like the trailer repairs will not be done this weekedn so me and my oldest boy will load up the tent some firewood and other essentials and head about 2.5 hours down the road to a state park we have not been to before. I am looking forward to the trip should be a blast. I will poat pics. I forgot to post pics of my camping forums sticker on the truck window last fall so I will have to post that as well. All for now hope others are getting out this weekend as well.

  • #2
    Re: First weekend out me and my boy

    Enjoy! Everytime I go out, I see men and their children. That's so wonderful; creating wonderful bonds and memories children will treasure forever.
    Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


    • #3
      Re: First weekend out me and my boy

      I could not agree more. My six year old boy revived my love for camping when he was three. I hsve spent virtually every weekend during the warmer months with him camping. When he gets a little older we will have to try some winter camping.


      • #4
        Re: First weekend out me and my boy

        Sorry to hear about your trailer. Good quality time with the kids is something that will last forever in both or your minds. I know I do remember camping with my stepdad when I was a kid. Now I have kids of my own and we try and camp as ofter as we can. Big thumbs up to you.
        Los Cuernos Ranch on Facebook


        • #5
          Re: First weekend out me and my boy

          I am a retired elementary school teacher, who taught a special program in the school district for elementary students who were expelled from school, on the verge of being expelled, or court ordered to attend the school I ran. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for interacting with your children - something the vast majority of the students I taught truly were not exposed to in their "family setting". Wouldn't it have been great if there was no need for the program I was responsible for? Although, I truly loved working with these kids because they got turned on with learning and were successful.

          Again, thanks to all of you.........
          So. Oregon
          TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
          TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
          SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)


          • #6
            Re: First weekend out me and my boy

            Hope you have a great trip.


            • #7
              Re: First weekend out me and my boy

              Any update on the camping trip?
              Nights spent outside in 2012: 4

              Life is a verb.


              • #8
                Re: First weekend out me and my boy

                We had a great time,

                Everything was perfect. The fish were laying eggs so they were right up on the shoreline most of the weekend. It was like fishing in a barrell. My son had a great time and outfished his dad. He caught 5 keepers in about an hour and half (blugills). The next night the black crappies were up on the shore on the other side of the jetty. I have never caught a black crappie. They were the most amazing fish as far as coloring. We only caught two so I let them go. We played frisbee golf several times ove the weekend and horshoes a couple times (with 6 year old rules). I have trouble posting pics otherwise I would.

                The best part of all is that my son and I were able to slow down and re-connect and I can definitely tell a difference in our relationship.

                Camping is the best way to spend time with family.


                • #9
                  Re: First weekend out me and my boy

                  Originally posted by rxcamping View Post
                  The best part of all is that my son and I were able to slow down and re-connect and I can definitely tell a difference in our relationship.

                  Camping is the best way to spend time with family.
                  I agree wholeheartedly! My husband and I reconnect when we camp. I think the lack of electronics and being out in God's country makes the difference.
                  "Why is it inflationary if the people keep their own money and spend it the way they want to and it's not inflationary if the government takes it and spends it the way it wants to?"
                  ~ Ronald Reagan, June 11, 1981


                  • #10
                    Re: First weekend out me and my boy

                    I have never bonded with my sons more than by going camping with them. Heck, I remember the earliest memories of mine are camping with my grandfather and uncles. (I was raised by my grandparents). I enjoy watching them explore and just look around. I like teaching them the old school version of camping and watch the wonder in their eyes. I'll never forget when I told my youngest son that I could light a fire without a lighter of matches. The amazement in that child's eyes when he saw flame.


                    • #11
                      Re: First weekend out me and my boy

                      Sounds like a great trip, have fun!


                      • #12
                        Re: First weekend out me and my boy

                        Originally posted by familycamper View Post
                        I have never bonded with my sons more than by going camping with them. Heck, I remember the earliest memories of mine are camping with my grandfather and uncles. (I was raised by my grandparents). I enjoy watching them explore and just look around. I like teaching them the old school version of camping and watch the wonder in their eyes. I'll never forget when I told my youngest son that I could light a fire without a lighter of matches. The amazement in that child's eyes when he saw flame.

                        That's such a great thing.. One thing to keep in mind for any parent...

