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Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

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  • Campsite security: worrying about thieves?


    I haven't been camping in a long time, and never in the USA, and was hoping to get some opinions on campsite security. Basically I'd like to know if people consider it safe to set up camp and then head out and do stuff without worrying about thieves and the like.

    Do you leave stuff in your tents? do you use padlocks on them?

    I expect to mainly have my cooking and food stuff going back into the car for wildlife concern, but if it is a nice day and I don't feel like it, do you think it is safe to leave propane tank/grill/stove around camp?

    Thank you!


  • #2
    Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

    I camp by myself and have had security questions, so I've asked a lot and what I've learned - most people feel perfectly comfortable leaving camping gear at the site all day while they're away. (You would want to lock up valuables, such as if you have a laptop with you, or a bike.) Here on the East Coast, State Parks have camp hosts who live at the campground. They monitor the campground, especially keeping an eye on who is coming and going. In my area, a lot of people use state and national parks as lodging only -- doing recreational and tourism stuff offsite during the day and only coming back to the campground at night; so camp hosts and staff are cognizant of creating a safe environment while campers are away. I imagine privately-owned campgrounds would be even more diligent.

    When are you coming to the U.S.? What areas will you be traveling in?
    Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


    • #3
      Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

      Dittoing Glitter's post.
      Keeping your valuables in the trunk of your vehicle is good common sense whether exploring the great outdoors or walking "concrete canyons" here, or say in Sydney. I don't bother securing my bicycles at the campgrounds but do keep a lock for traveling offsite.
      Like, Glitter, I too, have only camped in the Northeast and tend to stay in state parks.
      Looking forward to hearing more of your epic journey

      July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
      Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


      • #4
        Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

        I worry about the security a bit. Keeping the big things secured when I am away makes me feel better, but not totally at ease. I always wonder what will be missing when I return, but have yet, "knock on wood", to have anything stolen.
        Los Cuernos Ranch on Facebook


        • #5
          Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

          Keep your valuables locked. Then you should not have a problem. We've been tent camping over 40 years and have never had anything stolen from us. I have misplaced things but nothing has ever been stolen. People that camp are usually the most honest people around and respect another person's property, so too the people that are making camping forums what is, an honest site! :cool:

          For example: my weapons are unloaded, stored in the jeep and locked. Cameras the same, if I took a laptop campin it would locked. Plain & simple!
          Last edited by renodesertfox; 05-13-2011, 06:04 AM.
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


          • #6
            Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

            Awesome! That is all pretty much what I'd been hoping to hear, although the camp hosts concept definitely exceeded my expectations. Is that common across all USA? or is it a NE thing?

            When I'm car camping (95%+ of the trip) I imagine I'll really only leave the tent and our sleeping bags/pads inside it, locking our packs and cooking gear into the car. What about leaving your car unattended for a few days if you go back country camping?

            Originally posted by GlitterHiker View Post
            When are you coming to the U.S.? What areas will you be traveling in?
            I'm actually in the U.S. already, but planning this trip for the end of summer. We're (my girlfriend & I) are hoping to be able to wait out all the families on summer break and head off in early August, starting in the NE, and then making our way down though NYC, DC, into the Smokies for a while, then across somehow (Kansas? Texas?) toward the 4 state region where we hope to spend quite a bit of time. It looks like a very exciting part of the world! After that if our budget allows, we're hoping to head on up to Yellowstone, and Glacier, then back down toward Vegas, HOPEFULLY via Washington, Oregon, Yosemite, SF, LA.

            If everything goes how we plan it, we're going to be doing an awful lot of camping! We've started laying in all of our gear, and our camping piles is growing by the day!

            There will be many future questions from me regarding more specifics, but I am hoping to keep my threads somewhat separate so that they are easily searchable

            Thanks again for the replies, I'm really enjoying this forum, and learning a lot.


            • #7
              Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

              Camp hosts aren't bonded but depending on where the campground is located many camping facilities( ie-national parks/state parks) do background checks on anyone applying to be a camp host! Having a camp host is comfort to some. If you disperse camp in the deep woods, desert, near the border with Mexico or in bear country, it's always good to have your own protection with you too! Mine is 357 Magnum! That protection is always under lock and key and I have only used it once in bear country in northern Montana.

              I also keep a small caliber in my camera bag and pulled it out once when a couple of thugs with knives wanted to rob us. They ran! I never fired a shot! But that was when I was living in Las Vegas. Never have we ever had any trouble when we're camping, except with people who own RVs run their generators during quiet times! I'm a confirmed generator hater!
              Last edited by renodesertfox; 05-13-2011, 09:03 AM.
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


              • #8
                Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

                The state parks in Texas use the host sytem. Also, they have a ranger post/gate where everyone coming in must check in as a park user. Only folks that have paid for use (day use or overnight) get in.


                • #9
                  Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

                  I camp in Idaho, away from improved camp sites.. I leave my elk camp up for a month. Around here, most people in the forest are armed. Nobody really wants to get caught rummaging around someone else's camp. They might get accidentally shot! I never leave weapons unattended or electronic gear but stove, beds, shower, etc stays up.
                  FlashLantern turns your flashlight into a lantern!


                  • #10
                    Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

                    My husband and I tent camp in state parks in the NE and have never had an issue. We lock up valuables when we leave the campsite for the day. Most folks take notice of who is camping where and the parks require all coming in to register (they take license plate #'s) and pay the camp fee or day use fee.

                    The state parks also have hosts, who tend to walk around and take notice of everyone and everything.

                    Like Renodesertfox, we've had issues with those in rigs (i.e. making lots of noise during quiet time with generators, filling tanks, and/or hooking up and leaving).
                    "Why is it inflationary if the people keep their own money and spend it the way they want to and it's not inflationary if the government takes it and spends it the way it wants to?"
                    ~ Ronald Reagan, June 11, 1981


                    • #11
                      Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

                      Originally posted by globalpassenger View Post
                      What about leaving your car unattended for a few days if you go back country camping?

                      I'm actually in the U.S. already, but planning this trip for the end of summer. We're (my girlfriend & I) are hoping to be able to wait out all the families on summer break and head off in early August, starting in the NE, and then making our way down though NYC, DC, into the Smokies for a while, .
                      Well ... that's a completely different story ... So far, I don't back country camp, so I can only pass along what I've read online and through organization newsletters. Here in the mid-Atlantic region, there is an issue of vandalism and break-ins of cars parked at trailheads -- both for dayhikes and multi-day outings. You'd be wise to spend some time researching discussions on backpacking, the Appalachian Trail, and Shenandoah National Park - some of the most popular backcountry areas in your travel plans.

                      Various organizations will post alerts when they receive news of recent vandalism. I "think" some AT info will recommend places where you can leave your car safely. The #1 recommendation you'll get though it to leave NOTHING in your car; and leave glove compartment open (and empty) to dissuade break-ins. If you're renting a car, you may also want to check with your carrier regarding damages and theft. Sorry ... I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear ...
                      Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


                      • #12
                        Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

                        wow no kidding I didn't want to hear that!! Our whole life is pretty much going to be packed into our Jeep Grand Cherokee so leaving it empty is not an option :/

                        Is this lack of security common all across the country?

                        Something I've discovered in my research is that western states (west of the Dakotas I believe) are much better set up for dispersed camping with the BLM lands and whatnot. Is it even allowed on the east side? On the east side, I was planning to stick mainly to State and National park campgrounds, even some private ones mixed in with crappy hotels when no sites suit our purpose. On the west side I was hoping to mix in some dispersed camping as well.

                        We're planning a multi-day hike in the Grand Canyon and will have the equipment we need to do multi-day hikes whenever we feel like it, although nothing is as motivating as the Canyon! I imagine the Grand Canyon parking is quite secure. Any advice there?

                        What I've determined from this thread so far is that established campgrounds are generally pretty safe for leaving your tent, sleeping stuff and camp furniture set up, but lock up valuables. I'd been planning to pack up our cooking stuff into the car anyway for critter-proofing. Parking the car at popular trailheads could lead to disaster

                        I would love to hear more thoughts from people all over the country, ESPECIALLY if it will make me feel better haha, just kidding, I need to know what I'm getting myself into..

                        Thanks again!


                        • #13
                          Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

                          Before an old Army injury forced me to be confined to a wheel chair(for almost 10 years); then back surgery became an option so now I can move almost like a normal person, just can't backpack any longer; I and my bride had hiked the Grand Canyon, rim to rim, three times. We have never had a problem with thieves at National or State Park parking areas. The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite(I've hiked the entire John Muir Trail), all are safe. Never have had a problem.
                          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                          • #14
                            Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

                            Suggestions on hiking the Grand Canyon:

                            Going on a hike is wonderful way to experience some of the canyon’s rich natural beauty and immense size. However, even if you are an avid hiker, hiking the Grand Canyon is very different from most other hiking experiences.

                            Mental attitude and adequate water and food consumption are absolutely essential to the success of any Grand Canyon hike, particularly in summer. The day hiker and the overnight backpacker must be equally prepared for the lack of water, extreme heat and cold, and isolation characteristic of the Grand Canyon.

                            Check out this may help you:
                            Good Luck, it'll be great to hear about your trip, either as you do it, or a report when you get back from your journey!
                            Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                            Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                            • #15
                              Re: Campsite security: worrying about thieves?

                              Protecting food from critters and bears:

                              Any national park, most state parks, and national forest campgrounds that have bears in them usually provided a bear box which are quite large 4'x4'x4'. It's a good idea to use them. If the campground you choose have them and you don't use them and animals get into your food. You complain to a may find yourself getting a citation, costing you plenty. This may's what we use all the time.
                              Last edited by renodesertfox; 05-17-2011, 12:18 AM.
                              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

