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Missing woman found camping

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  • Missing woman found camping

    After reading the article, it doesn't sound like she was missing at all. It does make you wonder what on earth she was thinking to not tell anyone where she was going.
    May you always have love to share,
    Health to spare
    And friends that care.

  • #2
    Re: Missing woman found camping

    Agreed! Pure foolishness!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Re: Missing woman found camping

      Kinda like the young idiot who was reported 'missing', til his family saw him on the news - at the Occupy Wallstreet dog&pony show...... I guess that could qualify as 'camping'. :cool:
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


      • #4
        Re: Missing woman found camping

        On one hand, it sounds rather dumb of her .... on the other hand .... Not to say this is the case in this example, but I was saddened about this: I was surprised this year at how many women I saw camping solo. Eventually I talked to various camp hosts, because I was curious of the trend. Apparently, for some women trying to escape domestic abuse situations (either permanently or temporarily), they will camp. 1) The victimizer does not usually look for them in a campground; and 2) it's much less expensive than a motel. Just a thought that there may be more to this story.
        Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


        • #5
          Re: Missing woman found camping

          I too thought about that person's situation also. In my humble opinion a woman beater is bad news all around! And I too have seen plenty of single women camp, just never thought about it much. Good point of view raised, thanks nearly for sharing! How's it going since you're back in the lower 48?
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


          • #6
            Re: Missing woman found camping

            There is more to this story than we read in that article. Apparently she is an expert outdoors woman who has walked the Appalachian trail in the winter and has helped in search and rescue for missing and lost people. She is apparently an avid camper too. Also, when she left, she took her gear, her dog, dogfood and I.D. Tellingly, she left her cell phone behind..... This does not seem like the foolish escapade of an irresponsible person....

            just saying.


            • #7
              Re: Missing woman found camping

              I was camping(solo)at Desoto Falls Georgia this past Thanksgiving week.Desoto Falls is about 5 miles away from Vogel St. Park.I had a woman camp beside me...she was only there for 1 night.This woman had 4 young children with her.I was kind of disturbed that she picked the campsite next to mine when there were 23 other sites to choose from,I guess she felt safer camping next to somebody since the campground was totally deserted.

              As for the lady in this article,I'm kind of surprised that she would leave her cellphone at home unless she simply forgot it or was in a hurry to get out of there.I know at Desoto Falls I had no phone reception,I had to drive to Vogel St. Park to get any reception.


              • #8
                Re: Missing woman found camping

                Sometimes the best camping is when you can be lost to the outside world. I get tired of how often I'm reminded by people that I should answer my phone sooner or pick up when it rings. I figured that's why I have voicemail on my account, so people can leave a message and I can return it at my earliest convenience.


                • #9
                  Re: Missing woman found camping

                  Yeah, I bit strange to not at least leave a note that said "Went camping, be back in a few days" but it might have been a spur of the moment decision or he might have been told and simply forgot or didn't pay attention. As far as the daughter, she is 19 and an adult. Mom doesn't have to check in with her. She should have her own life to worry about.

                  Not taking the cell phone was odd but when I camp, I usually can't get reception either. I just turn it off and leave it in the glove box. Maybe she put it down while packing and forgot it.
                  Nights spent outdoors this year: I lost track


                  • #10
                    Re: Missing woman found camping

                    Originally posted by nearlywild View Post
                    After reading the article, it doesn't sound like she was missing at all. It does make you wonder what on earth she was thinking to not tell anyone where she was going.

                    Wow that is just horrible. Why would she do such a thing?


                    • #11
                      Re: Missing woman found camping

                      Originally posted by Local Bobby View Post
                      Wow that is just horrible. Why would she do such a thing?
                      Read the rest of the thread. Many good reasons.
                      Nights spent outdoors this year: I lost track

