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Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

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  • Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

    This weekend I took my first solo camping trip (car camping in a campground). I had fun, but did learn some lessons! IE if you think your socks are warm enough, they're not, bring warmer ones! Anyway though, what pissed me off, is everyone told me how dangerous it is to go camping alone, especially as a *gasp* WOMAN! I, literally, had someone tell me I shouldn't do that because I'm a girl. (I am 32, btw, not a child). Anyway have ya'll found this attitude to be common? The people telling me this, I don't think have ever been hiking or camping. I consider the woods a safer place to be than most city streets.

    The thing is, if someone doesn't like to camp, or is scared of the woods, that's fine, I don't expect them to want to camp. It's not everyone's thing. But what actually offended me, is their opinion that since it might have some element of danger to it, I shouldn't do it. There are bad people who prey on women (and men too) and because of that, I should not go camping by myself. I should stay home and cower. It's like these women have accepted being helpless and content with it. For the record, no men were horrified by the idea of me camping alone, just women.

  • #2
    Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

    I think people who grow up in the city should not camp alone. its like the Way I would like to see a "yuppie" from New York City go out in the country and throw hay bales he/ she wouldnt be able to handle it (that gives me an idea [set up a farm and hve citified people pay to come and do farm stuff]). If the woman is savvy enough to handle the outdoors then she is ok to camp alone. Anyone who just goes around saying the=at a woman cant handle it is a ... uh ...( sexist fool)


    • #3
      Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

      I grew up in the city (in the heart of Baltimore - can't get much more "city" than that) & I camp alone . I found that camping solo taught me more about self-sufficiency than anything else has.

      Carmen - when I started camping, I didn't tell anyone. Now that I'm a bit more open about it & do tell people, I get that reaction all the time. From men and from women.

      At this stage, I am not offended by it. I ask them why they think that (that it's unsafe ... that I'll die ... that I'll be killed ...). And I learn from that. Whatever fears or concerns they express, I tuck it away as something I need to prepare for. Because of reading here and listening to people express their fears for me, I now carry bear spray (as a people-deterrent). I set up my camp differently (so people are less aware that I am solo). I walk around the campground and check out the other campers. I carry a knife. I will likely learn how to shoot a gun. I always have the "10 essentials" on me, even for short hikes away from my campsite. So, everytime someone worries about something, I think to myself: hmmm, I should be prepared to deal with that.
      Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


      • #4
        Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

        I have always felt relatively safe in the woods. In town....hell... i thought I would have to pull a gun on my neighbor tonight.. give me the woods.
        Nights spent outdoors this year: I lost track


        • #5
          Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

          What bothers me is the idea that, b/c there is possibly some inherent risk, you should never do those things. You should avoid it at all costs. I feel like it's this culture of helplessness that more and more is being pushed on people.
          I totally agree about the being prepared, I think that is just plain smart in general. I know how to shoot, do not have my CWP yet but I will soon. And when people brought up the specific things they thought were risks, I explained the ways I prepared for/avoided these risks. But it didn't make any difference at all. I still shouldn't go into the woods alone, b/c I'm female.


          • #6
            Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

            Oh, and I wasn't raised in the woods. We lived in suburbs in FLorida. But we went camping (campground camping) enough that I'm comfortable with that, and am working my way up to "real camping" (hiking into the woods and setting up camp there). I think you just have to be smart enough to educate yourself, and work your way up to whatever level you want to do. And Shadow, I've never met anyone in the woods/campground that I wished I had a gun b/c of, but I have felt that way in the parking lots of several Walmarts.


            • #7
              Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

              Ok Carmen this is a wonderful idea. And I think everyone need to do whatever they can do to encourage a campaign. We organize a campaign every year. Generally in a end of summer season at various places of Florida and California. I must say this camping definitely help to encourage women to take part in different campaigns.


              • #8
                Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                Originally posted by Carmen1979 View Post
                What bothers me is the idea that, b/c there is possibly some inherent risk, you should never do those things. You should avoid it at all costs. I feel like it's this culture of helplessness that more and more is being pushed on people.
                Oh gosh, I so agree with this !! It's becoming one of my pet peeves. It seems like nowadays people are being pushed into some cocoon -- I like how you describe it, as helplessness. Instead of learning how to assess risk, preparing for it, and managing it.

                I think it's particularly concerning here in the U.S. What happened to our national reputation as adventurers / explorers / pioneers ?- that was only like two generations ago.
                Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


                • #9
                  Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                  Originally posted by GlitterHiker View Post
                  I think it's particularly concerning here in the U.S. What happened to our national reputation as adventurers / explorers / pioneers ?- that was only like two generations ago.
                  Quoted for truth! Now the sterotypical American sits at home watching Jersey shore, while playing World of Warcraft on a laptop, eating a bacon and doughnut sandwich and screaming because they can't reach the remote.

                  But hey at least people like Les Stroud are around to show that we aren't .... oh wait.. He's Canadian...
                  Nights spent outdoors this year: I lost track


                  • #10
                    Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                    Wow, there's a lot of truth to that, GlitterHiker! When we adopted our son from fostercare, I asked him what sport he wanted to take part in...he told me, "Video Gaming". He really thought of Video Gaming as a sport! A SPORT! So, I bought him a BMX bike and told him that he was going to Race BMX bikes. BTW, he loves it and hasn't touched a video game system in three years, with exception of being at a friends house...etc.

                    Back to topic: At the moment, I would let my wife go to a campgrounds alone, but not backcountry, simply because of he current skill level (she has none). After a few times out with me, I'd be okay with it.
                    2012 - Nights spent in the back country: 12


                    • #11
                      Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                      Well, I fully intend to go camping alone. I can't imagine limiting myself because I don't have anyone to camp with me.
                      That doesn't mean I won't do all I can to anticipate dangers and to be prepared. That's what we all do with varying degrees of success every day.


                      • #12
                        Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                        Les Stroud is the hottest man in existance..don't tell my husband But really, I love a man (and any person, really) who is strong and capable and can take care of their family. My husband is that way, although admitably, not quite as backwoods smart as les stroud, but then neither am I. It's something to aim for, though.


                        • #13
                          Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                          As your humble mod I really wanted to edit the title of this thread, but didn't because of the oath of office I took before I signed on. I'm am proud to have single women who camp, opennly share their experiences here at CF! Campers are usually the most honest people in the world. Thank you to all who have chimed in and especially to Carmen1979 for her straight talk!
                          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                          • #14
                            Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                            Originally posted by renodesertfox View Post
                            As your humble mod I really wanted to edit the title of this thread, but didn't because of the oath of office I took before I signed on. I'm am proud to have single women who camp, opennly share their experiences here at CF! Campers are usually the most honest people in the world. Thank you to all who have chimed in and especially to Carmen1979 for her straight talk!
                            LOL you're welcome!


                            • #15
                              Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                              I am a 40 yr old, 5"1', 120lb woman. I have camped alone, and with groups of people. Been campin' all my life!
                              I carry for self protection (from humans mostly) and I am more comfortable in the woods than I am on the streets. A bear will eat a man just as easily as a woman!
                              If anyone I knew (male or female) suggested I didn't go alone simply because I'm female, I would probably just chuckle and feel sorry for them!

                              I used to get mad at things like this, but I don't care what others think. I am very much a Tomboy (love cars, fishing, football etc...) and that is who I am! Don't let them get to you =)
                              My Other Interest

