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Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

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  • #16
    Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

    ok let me contradict my self a little . not all city people are helpless in the woods but women should not be concidered helpless either. I would not be surprised to see women be more prepared in camping situation than men.


    • #17
      Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

      Speaking for myself, I camp solo or with other women usually. I am trained for combat with rifle, pistol, bow and arrow, swords, baton, pepper spray, knives, and martial arts. I have an electronics degree. I used to rock climb when I was younger. I am pretty good at fishing. Never really did much hunting mainly because my dad was a jerk.
      Currently, I am learning backpacking/minimalist camping and bushcraft. Along with that I am reading up on sustainable and off the grid living.

      In the woods, my only real fear is rattlesnakes. Of course in other areas, I would have concerns with the larger predators but it wouldn't keep me away. Just have to educate myself of the dangers and how to avoid them.
      Nights spent outdoors this year: I lost track


      • #18
        Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

        Originally posted by Shadow View Post
        I have always felt relatively safe in the woods. In town....hell... i thought I would have to pull a gun on my neighbor tonight.. give me the woods.
        I'd have to agree. I actually find going around in towns and cities a whole lot scarier than going camping anywhere.


        • #19
          Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

          Originally posted by renodesertfox View Post
          I'm am proud to have single women who camp, opennly share their experiences here at CF!

          I think it's super-cool. I'm so glad I can come here & find other solo female campers.
          Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


          • #20
            Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

            To all women who are offended by people's attitudes that you shouldn't camp alone: I am a man and have been told how dangerous it is for me to camp and hunt alone too. Some of the people who tell me this are truly concerned for my well being, most I believe are just relaying their own fears. I believe that You should educate yourself,be prepared for the many situations that you might encounter and ignor the ignorant. While it is certainly smart to travel,camp,hunt, etc... with another person or people, We as adults with minds of our own, can make the decision to do what we want. My decision is that when I decide to do something I am going to do it. I am not going to wait around until someone else can do it with me because I would probably spend alot more time waiting to do what I want rather than doing what I want. Don't let the nay sayers get to you. Get out, do what you want and have fun.


            • #21
              Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

              The gentlemanly aspect of me hates to see women out in the wilderness alone, but I was raised to have a great deal of chivalry. The logical side of me thinks it is important for a female to have the skils to go out adventuring alone. The guy side of me thinks it is sexy when women are able to head out to the sticks without my help. I hope that reads the way I intend.....

              Do what you want to do, ladies, and who cares if other people think you shouldn't. There is no personal growth if we do not push ourselves, whether in mental, physical, or spiritual matters.

              The most important thing is to do what you do WISELY! I define wisdom as knowing what to do with what you know.

              Glitter, I am shooting you a PM.
              Nights spent outside in 2012: 4

              Life is a verb.


              • #22
                Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                I guess lots of people who haven't even tried camping have a lot to say when it comes to safety and their concern for your well-being and all that stuff. I camp with three kids, and I've had lots of people telling me on how much of a bad father I am for actually putting my children in such dangerous conditions instead of protecting them as I should be doing. Personally, I find it the other way around. I see camping as a great way to actually get my kids ready for anything. So whether your male or female, single or with company, people will still criticize and find something wrong about you camping. But it shouldn't stop us from enjoying what we like to do.


                • #23
                  Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                  Troy - you bring up a good point; I'm not surprised that you get comments like that.
                  Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


                  • #24
                    Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!


                    Thanks! Yes, I actually found it surprising, too. To think that it wasn't a long time ago when going to summer camps and getting your kids to join the Girl/Boy/Cub Scouts is commonplace. Or it could also be all those movies and news about those scary stuff happening in the woods that have twisted their realities about camping.


                    • #25
                      Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                      It strikes me as funny that the expectations of the very rural folk about cities is closer to the truth than the expectations of urban-dwellers about being in the wilderness. HAHA
                      Nights spent outside in 2012: 4

                      Life is a verb.


                      • #26
                        Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                        I agree with you Carmen. I get that all the time! If i can go out and pitch my own tent, cook my own food, and defend myself, I can go camping all by myself! Unlike you though, I get it from men more than women. I don't like being looked upon as some fragile flower because i am a girl, it's just crazy! Plus there's always the option of pepper spray or mace! Well I hope you enjoyed your camping even with all those negative comments!
                        Canvas Tarps


                        • #27
                          Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                          I've been camping alone many times since my husband passed away & I hear all the same things from other women: You are braver than I, Aren't you afraid?, That's risky, You're putting yourself in danger, etc.

                          I have a small camper so am not really roughing it too much.
                          Still, I do take extra precautionionary measures when I go on a trip:
                          I scope the park out during the day & become familiar with the layout, my surroundings & ammenities beforehand.
                          I make sure the campground is patrolled & that they lock their gates at night.
                          I pick a secluded spot that is not in plain view.
                          If it is, I set out 2 chairs so it looks like I'm camping with someone else.
                          I tell noone that I'm alone unless it's a ranger that I trust.
                          I go during the middle of the week when almost noone is around.
                          I watch the moon cycles & plan my trip dates around them.
                          When the moon is full it's easier to see things around me at night & is also beautiful to look at.
                          I make sure I have everything I need in case of an emergency or car trouble & I test all my equipment before I leave the house.
                          Lastly, I take a pistol with me as well as a pocket knife.

                          To be honest, the 1st few times I did it I didn't sleep much. I was hyper-sensitive to any sounds I heard & I felt pretty vulnerable but I adjusted & actually came to enjoy my little camping trips & now I look forward to them quite a bit.

                          Happy camping!


                          • #28
                            Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                            Originally posted by GlitterHiker View Post
                            I grew up in the city (in the heart of Baltimore - can't get much more "city" than that) & I camp alone . I found that camping solo taught me more about self-sufficiency than anything else has.

                            Carmen - when I started camping, I didn't tell anyone. Now that I'm a bit more open about it & do tell people, I get that reaction all the time. From men and from women.

                            At this stage, I am not offended by it. I ask them why they think that (that it's unsafe ... that I'll die ... that I'll be killed ...). And I learn from that. Whatever fears or concerns they express, I tuck it away as something I need to prepare for. Because of reading here and listening to people express their fears for me, I now carry bear spray (as a people-deterrent). I set up my camp differently (so people are less aware that I am solo). I walk around the campground and check out the other campers. I carry a knife. I will likely learn how to shoot a gun. I always have the "10 essentials" on me, even for short hikes away from my campsite. So, everytime someone worries about something, I think to myself: hmmm, I should be prepared to deal with that.
                            I'm another Baltimorean (former). Have to agree with you that the woods are safer than the city any day of the week. Hell, I live out in the country now (still in MD sadly) and still feel safer in the woods.


                            • #29
                              Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                              Once in a while, I go camping on my own just to get away from everything. Whenever I do that, my family and friends always get frantic and concerned, especially after all those news coming out about solo campers being found dead while camping alone. Personally, I understand their concern, but from the way how I see it, the risk of me getting into some kind of accident on my way to work is just as likely--sometimes, even more likely--than me going out camping alone.


                              • #30
                                Re: Women shouldn't camp alone! They'll die!

                                Originally posted by lizrfoust View Post
                                Once in a while, I go camping on my own just to get away from everything. Whenever I do that, my family and friends always get frantic and concerned, especially after all those news coming out about solo campers being found dead while camping alone. Personally, I understand their concern, but from the way how I see it, the risk of me getting into some kind of accident on my way to work is just as likely--sometimes, even more likely--than me going out camping alone.
                                Remind them that there are alot more people being killed in our cities than than solo campers in our forests.

