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Portable a/c power problems

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  • Portable a/c power problems

    I have a portable a/c-heating unit (new Air 1300H) that I bought for my Kodiak canvas tent but it requires a very stable power source which I have not been able to find at any camp site yet. I was thinking about getting a propane generator but most camp sites wont let you operate a generator during quiet times. I love tent camping but I just can't sleep at night without a/c due to uncontrollable breathing problems.
    Anybody have any suggestions? I have a camping trip scheduled the second week of July and I need a solution. :confused:

    The unit requires 1250W for cooling power and 10.8a for cooling current.

  • #2
    Re: Portable a/c power problems

    I think if you talked to someone that know a lot about battery back up systems for homes they might be able to help you. You see solar gets stored to batteries when not needed and used at night from the batteries when needed. So I think you could charge the batteries by day with a generator and then run a small A/C off of the batteries at night. But I would start by asking your local solar company about it. They may be able to help more.


    • #3
      Re: Portable a/c power problems

      I think you need to downsize your a/c unit.
      That and a Honda generator might fit the bill.

      To go solar would require HUGE and expensive solar panels, then the batteries - at least 10 would weigh a ton!
      Might just have to do like I do and only go when it is nice out (wife wont go if it is hot).



      • #4
        Re: Portable a/c power problems

        Looks like I am going to have to replace the unit and that sucks because I bought that specifically for camping and now it's just become a $500.00 mistake.

        Unfortunately Marty, I work at a school and the ONLY time I can vacation in in July.

        I'm tossing around the idea of just buying a window unit a/c and building a stand for it.


        • #5
          Re: Portable a/c power problems

          Walmart has a small 5000 BTU unit that draws only 4.8A ......


          • #6
            Re: Portable a/c power problems

            Walmart has a small 5000 BTU unit that draws only 4.8A........should be OK.


            • #7
              Re: Portable a/c power problems

              I find out that each time I need sth. I would go to Walmart and finally I could get what I need, available and inexpensive.
              I've no house in the city, just a camping tent in the wild.


              • #8
                Re: Portable a/c power problems

                Wally world is always there when I need them!


                • #9
                  Re: Portable a/c power problems

                  That sounds great but now to figure out how I'm gonna put a window unit in a tent with no windows. I'm not to handy with power tools and I do not want to cut a hole in my canvas tent.


                  • #10
                    Re: Portable a/c power problems

                    If you want a window type of A/C there is an option for you out there. But yes you would have to make a cut in the tent fabric. Check out this web page to see one of the options I found.


                    There could be more but you will just have to do the research on the subject.

