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Another "Woman camping alone" thread.

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  • Another "Woman camping alone" thread.

    I was so thrilled to read about women camping alone. I suppose I come from a more traditional background, and thought that because I wanted to camp, I needed someone to do it with.

    That said, I know I love to camp and am perfectly capable of doing it alone. I know my strengths and weaknesses, and my abilities, and would never go beyond those.

    It's kind of a new idea to me....camping alone as a woman...and for years I haven't camped because I didn't have someone to do it with. I would love to camp more than I it alone or with others!

    I'm considering a trip to Zion and Bryce in September, camping, but can't find anyone to go with me. Part of me feels like 'why won't anyone do this', and part of me says f*** 'em, they are missing out on a great trip.

    Well, I just wanted to say thanks to other independent women who are inspirations to me and others. Camping is better with others, but if the choice depends on others or not going at all, I'd like to camp alone.

  • #2
    Re: Another "Woman camping alone" thread.

    Get a dog he will be more loyal than most people and he will never argue with you or complain about his feet hurting.


    • #3
      Re: Another "Woman camping alone" thread.

      Joyous56 - I can't wait to read about plans for your trip! Camping alone has been one of the best learning experiences of my life: giving me confidence, mental strength, and the ability to find my own serenity. (Along with a few stories of "I can't believe I did that - I was SO stupid" - those stories I don't share with my family )
      Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


      • #4
        Re: Another "Woman camping alone" thread.

        I have no problem camping alone, although when I'm sitting by the fire drinking a cold one I wish I had someone to share it with. Zion and Bryce are amazing places, Zion being my favorite, and I plan on going there again but not alone.

        Have fun, be safe, and take pictures!!!
        My Other Interest


        • #5
          Re: Another "Woman camping alone" thread.

          I have been traveling alone for over 20 years now. I've taken trips for weeks at a time all on my own. I've driven up to Canada and down to Florida and out to the Colorado Rockies..all by myself. If I waited for others to come along I'd never have done it and I've grown to like being by myself.

          In in the past 5 years have added camping to my road tripping..first as a way to save money and now I really just love camping for campings sake. I combine it with my two favorite hobbies, kayaking and hiking. I've kayaked camped and do hiking trips and camp at campground as well.

          I spent my birthday camping and hiking in the Catskills. A few weeks ago I did a kayaking/camping trip on the Delaware River and this weekend I'm heading down to Maryland to camp, kayak and travel around the Chesapeake Bay area for a week. On average I go on a camping trip about 2 times/month. Yes, I'm a solitary female.

          People have been asking me for years if I get scared or lonely or whatever being a woman by herself. I'm used to them asking me this. I just shrug and say "Nope". Others ask me where my husband and is and I say "Home with the kids". LOL!

          Those who know me know better than to ask such silly questions. I've raced cars and 4 wheeled in my Jeep and engaged in all sorts of activities that aren't considered traditionally feminine so what's the big deal in setting up a tent and going camping as well?

          I have been investing in better camping gear and am really psyched to get out and do some camping this fall and get AWAY from the summer crowds. Yep, I'm a hermit at heart who happens to be a woman.

