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Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

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  • Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

    Summer's winding down, children here in Utah will be starting school in a week! Time to get 'em ready for learnin! So, how was camping for you this summer, was it good? Or bad? Did you have noisy neighbors keeping you up into the wee hours? Was your campsite host not attentive to your complaints! Here's the thread to applaud or vent or camping adventure 2012? Sure would like to hear how it went, how many fish did ya catch? The bears, the wolves, the racoons, what troubles did you encounter. Perhaps, what would you do differently to avoid hassles. How was your summer camping season 2012, this year?
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

    Had great summer camping trips. Did a little bit of everything, that's what I love about camping. You're "out there" for all kinds of activities: hiking, fishing, running, biking, canoeing. And today (while camping) I added canoesailing! It was awesome.


    • #3
      Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

      Camping was good. Hot and humid but still nice. Just wish I could have done more. It's back to school for everyone in the house after next week. Perhaps a weekend camping trip or two is in order this fall. We've got really nice 20 deg sleeping bags and 3 season tents.
      Just hard to camp in our state because it's expensive in most parts ($25 or more per night!) and crowded. Horray East Coast....not.


      • #4
        Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

        There was only one instance when we had to cut our camping short because my wife suffered a case of heatstroke. But overall, it turned out to be a great camping trip with the kids.


        • #5
          Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

          Camping this summer was very different than the past summer. I've started a part-time job on week-ends, in addition to my regular full-time job, so I have not been able to get away much. But I've had many single night campouts, which are great. Quick & easy to get away, and they refresh my soul.
          Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


          • #6
            Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

            RDF what do you mean "get em ready for learnin'" My three did more learning in their three weeks of camping than they did all of last year I reckon. God I love camping. Still have a couple of trips planned so not over yet. Hopefully our next trip is as good as our summer trip and the cooler weather will allow some more dark time and fire time!!! Love them 'smores........we dont have them in Oz so they are a treat for me, even at 40!!!!
            Total night under canvas 2012: 22


            • #7
              Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

              Cool beans Matee5! Cool beans!
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


              • #8
                Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

                Went 4 times this year. Would have went more if it weren't so stinken hot. My goal for next year is to go camping more often we did this year.


                • #9
                  Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

                  Only went camping twice during the summer because of work. Thankfully, things have lighten up a bit so I might be able to do a bit more camping before it gets way too cold for me to do so.


                  • #10
                    Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

                    I had an awesome season even with the fire bans. The park rangers were pretty attentive and friendly.

                    It's funny that you mention bears, Reno. I have been camping since I was a wee one and never came across a bear that was close to my campsite. My boyfriend has a fear of bears and this was one of his first seasons really cmaping and we saw a freaking bear trotting just yards away from our camp site. I was shoked.

                    How was yours, Reno?



                    • #11
                      Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

                      Timberline, if you're asking me how the bear was, I don't know, I'm not one to start conversation with the animal kingdom! She was a sow with a 5 month old cub and was about 100 yards upwind of us. We saw her everyday morning and evening of our 5 days at Grassy Lake. Other times campin in northern Montana & Wyoming we have had closer encounters; once a fake charge, a couple of times the critter rose up on hind legs. A couple of times when out in the kayak we have seen bears walk through our site, like you. But never a real confrontation. Back in my youth when I was a backpackin nut, had to cut a trip short cause a bear, or something smart got into our provisions hanging from a tree in Yosemite's backcountry. Thanks for askin! It's an eye opener seeing a bear waltz through anyone's campsite especially your own! That's why in posted bear country I'm with a 12 gauge all the time. Some folks have told me to use a handgun, but I'm not a real good pistol shot. If a pistol isn't a 44 mag or 45 cal most likely a shot, that isn't a kill shot will only anger the bear. With shotgun slugs there's more stopping power and a greater range distance than a handgun! I really admire a person who hunts with a pistol or archery equipment, they get my respect from the git go!
                      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                      • #12
                        Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

                        Hey Reno,

                        I meant how was your summer camping? But on the bear front, what'd you do during the fake charge? I had a stag fake charge once and all I could do was laugh.

                        I haven't had any real confrontations with wild animals either, thank God. Bears are like the sharks of the mountains, but waaaay more cute and fuzzy. We usually camp with our 9mm just in case, but we've definitely talked about getting a shotgun. I know a lot of hunters and haven't heard too much about pistol hunting. I'm a pretty good shot, but I'm better with a rifle.

                        - Timberline


                        • #13
                          Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

                          I wish I had the time to get out more. My wife(bride of 10 years) had worked for the US govt for 17 years and plenty of vacation time. But now she's working for an independent hospital and it's like starting all over again! So camping is on hold while she gets some time in the saddle. For me, pushing 61, wishing I was 18, huntin is way too much work! Campin solo is hard too, with a bad knee that needs replacement - I wear a brace almost 24/7 but it's(campin) is still a ton of work. And now we live in snow country! Basically I'm a desert rat and when it snows I hibernate! I'm a retired wedding/fashion photographer that wants no more than to shoot scenics around Utah! And I'm having fun! This moderating just keeps me out of the nightclubs and on the straight and narrow....haha! Camping was great!

                          On the bear front, when a bear charges, you have no idea if it's a fake charge or not! Stand your ground! Don't panic! If it's a full charge you a have a couple of seconds to fire, it's its as fake charge(most do) then if you stand your ground and don't panic, don't try to run, then the bear usually back off! But that takes guts & practice! Bears ain't like humans, they can't fire a weapon back at you! Just gotta be stronger willed than the bear! Been on bear hunts in Idaho when as a 14 year old with my pops(he taught me that)! Just gotta be smarter than the average Bear, booboo! Haha!
                          Last edited by renodesertfox; 10-12-2012, 07:07 PM.
                          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                          • #14
                            Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

                            Hahaha. Well, it's hard to run when you pee your pants. I guess that's always a nice fall back in case I get in bear troble.

                            Rotten luck about your knee. I bet its hard to ge the good angled shots for your photos. My best friend just messed up her knee pretty badly on a dirt bike, but she still trys to be a hard ass and messes it up even more. Good for you for taking care of it. I hope you get to camp more and soon.


                            • #15
                              Re: Summer Camping 2012 How Was It?

                              Dang knee has been given me fits since 2006, but then I became whell-chsir bound on 07 so I forgot about the stupid knee! Still went campin, wife did all the work then, bless her heart! Back fixed in 09 and now the stupid knee raises it's ugly head again! Maybe this winter! They call it stormy monday blues! When the blues comes gotta open the door and let them in! Thanks for your thoughts! Yeah, my photos do suffer, ain't so hard gettin that low angle, but it's the gettin up that causes so much pain! LOL!!!!
                              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

