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Camping questions here. Can you point me in the right direction?

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  • Camping questions here. Can you point me in the right direction?


    My name is Jason. I am in my 30's and have two young boys who are coming into the camping age. We live in the northern VA area. We have done some tent camping in the Shenandoah national parks but that's it.

    Here's the deal. My boys are 10 and 11. At the age of 13 I want to take them hiking/camping one at a time. The type of camping I would like to do is be able to hike 1-5 miles to a camp ground, pitch a tent and then teach my boy the joys of camping. I want to be able to gather our own firewood and make our own fires. I want to take him fishing and eat the catch for dinner. Kind of a "welcome to the man stage of your life, you may need these skills one day" scenario.

    My biggest issues:

    Somewhere we can hike 1-10 miles to setup camp. Somewhere far enough away from traffic, housing developments, and civilization, but close enough for help to arrive
    I would prefer VA/MD/WV/NC East coast but will travel all the way to California if need be.

    Things to do:
    I would like there to be fishing, orienteering (which just by hiking with a map and compass would be fine), building campfires, and anything else associated with camping.

    Things to take:

    When it comes time for this list I think I will post a separate post. There are so many things that I can think of and I am sure there are things I haven't thought of.

    Right now I am about 1 1/2 years from doing the first camping trip with my oldest. This is my first fact finding mission. Any help from any of you that have done something like this would be great. Even if it is just some links to other helpful sites.

  • #2
    Doing a lot of digging today and found dispersed camping in the George Washington national forest. Has anyone done any camping there?

    Any dispersed camping there?


    • #3
      Camping Questions

      Howdy SFC Hill,

      You might want to get your boys into BSA(Boy Scouts of America), I'm sure you can hike 1-10 or more miles no problem, because your fit. Kid's aren't fit, without working them into it and making it exciting! Getting them in to scouting is a good thing for developing young minds and bodies!

      Since I live way out west I'm no use to you for particulars about your neck of the woods. Tons of web research await you! Look around this site and you will find plenty of ideas to get going with. Stay in touch with questions a little at a time and more people will respond quicker. Thanks for asking and sharing and above all welcome to the camping boards! Hope your stay here will be fruitful and happy one!
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


      • #4
        well I love being out in the woods so I would look at Front Royal and follow the Skyline Drive for a place to hike. there are trails and camp grounds along its length and also the Blueridge Parkway. Get a map and study it. To get the boys ready plan day hikes/picnics and get them used to being outside on a trail. Most state parks have short length trails in them. Va has Approx 500 miles of the applaichain Trail (sp) and there are many access point to it. Go to an outdoor store and get a map of the trail. What you want to do is easily done. search online for hiking groups and get advice from them.
        They can help you with where to get supplies for this adventure.
        I would suggest taking both boys and making every trip a family affair if possible. When your tired they will keep each other going.
        there are many things to learn to be able to do this. First aid and learning the wildlife in the various areas (Bears) are important Joining the
        Boy Scouts is a very good suggestion. Their motto "Be Prepared"
        You have allot of work to do. Enjoy them now because in a few years they will discover the great distraction ..... Girls !!!!
        Good luck
        2006 GMC Sierra 1500 HD Crewcab
        2004 Rockwood Freedom 1640 LTD
        I am not lost, I am here


        • #5
          Lots of good country over there - used to go to Southern Virginia a lot on 3-day weekends. Claytor Lake State Park is pretty nice. Heck, get them kids out in the woods - I've got my oldest (7) doing 3 miles.


          • #6
            Camping questions

            Howdy Scrib,

            Wow, your 7 year old kid is hiking three miles? I'm impressed, does he call you dad or drill sarge?
            Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
            Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


            • #7
              She calls me airborne! heh - I've got some pics of her rock climbing this summer, I'll try to get some of those posted this weekend. My son's only 4, so I'll give him another year or so


              • #8
                Camping questions

                Howdy Scrib,
                Should have sent me a pm I would have bought you an espresso had I known you would be in Vegas!
                Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                • #9
                  both my boys have no problems hiking. We hiked a mountain down near Ft. Huachuca in southern AZ when I was deployed there. They did a great job about 8 miles in one day up and down the mountain. One boys legs were chapped but other than that they were both fine.

                  This was taken at a little over 7000 ft. Base was about 5k


                  • #10
                    Camping question here

                    Howdy Jason,

                    Very nice photo. You did say Ft. Huachuca, I was there from '79 to '82 with the Signal Corps. Those Huachuca's go straight up! Guess your boys are gonna love that photo, it's very nice!
                    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                    • #11
                      It was a great time. I wasn't sure my boys could handle the hike, but they did. They were 8 and 9 in this photo and didn't complain one bit. My youngest had chapped legs and lips when we were done but he didn't complain at all.


                      • #12
                        SFC Hill here is some information and links to help you out.

                        Dispersed Camping is where you choose your own campsite and you can go off trail. These areas are usually located in designated wilderness areas of National Parks. You mentioned the George Washington National Forest. I checked it out an it looks like it is what you are looking for.

                        Here is a link to the homepage for the George Washington National Forest Website. Check out the site.

                        George Washington and Jefferson National Forests Home Page

                        Here is their link explaining Dispersed Camping

                        Dispersed Camping

                        Here is their link about fishing in the George Washington National Forest.



                        Here is their phone number:

                        (540) 265-5100

                        Call them and tell them what you want to do. They will give you all the information you want and tell you about specific places to go in the park for what you want to do.

                        I have gone on dispersed camping (backcountry camping) many of times. It is a really good time. Good luck on your search.



                        • #13
                          i think this is a great way to bond with your boys,, and they will no matter what remember it the rest of their lives. I was camping when i was a year old,,. and love that part of my childhood and still camp as much as i can now,,
                          i too live out west so i am not much help to you,., I love the sierra's out here and have many fond memories of camping with my pops, We have been taking a trip every year for the last 17 years... its great,., hope to do it till the day he can no longer attend,, and hopefully by then i will have a child of my own to carry on the tradition...

