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Who has bear and critter stories?

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  • Who has bear and critter stories?

    Who has bear and critter stories?

    The truth is that even seeing bears is a rare and memorable event, but some folks have had run-in with bears and they make for good stories. I have to warn you, though. Don't tell bear stories to your family or other families because it just might be the end of the camping trip and make it difficult for you to get your folks to go camping again.

    To get things started, here is a real experience I had:

    Some years ago while backpacking in the Smokey Mountains, I stayed at a park-built lean-to shelter. The shelter had three wood sides with the open side being covered by chainlink fence material and a door with a horse-shoe latch. It had a dirt floor and wooden bunks for I think six or eight campers.

    Some local boys also came along and shared the same lean-to. In the morning, I had instant oatmeal, but the southern fellows were cooking up ham and bacon, and eggs and grits while laying in their sleeping bags inside the shelter - despite my suggestion that they cook outside on the picnic table.

    The cooking soon attracted three large black bears that came into camp and wanted to get into the shelter and at the food. These were the biggest black bears I have ever seen - much bigger even than the zoo variety.

    The biggest bear put it's enormous head against the simple pole and wire door and started to push and shake the whole chain link wall with a death-rattle clamor. We had to hold the door closed to keep the horse-shoe latch from flipping up and opening - all the while shouting and squeeling like a bunch of adolecent Girl Scouts.

    Some of the fellows started screaming to throw the food out to the bears, but I frantically convinced them that if they did that, we would never get out alive.

    Thankfully by the grace of God, the bears gave up and eventually left the camp - which was my que to skedaddle from the company of the rattled bacon frying southern boys and the iHop smelling lean-to shelter.

    Last edited by Mike; 01-21-2013, 11:39 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Who has bear and critter stories?

    Of course, bears coming into camp and getting into food bags or food scraps is nothing new, but on some very rare occassions, the interface with bears gets more intimate.

    My Dad had an experience back in the early 1960's. He was camping alone in a pup tent and had his food bag inside the tent with him. Late at night, he woke up at the sound of some bears snorting around his campsite. He froze and lay perfectly still. He could hear and feel them snorting right up against his face through the canvas tent.

    Finally, one of the bears came through the tent opening at his feet, grabbed the food bag, and took the food bag outside the tent. From there, a fight between the bears ensued and the bears actually tumbled onto Dad's tent and on top of Dad who was scared crazy inside the tent (and underneath the fighting bears).

    He could hear the bears tearing up the food sack and yelping and whimpering as they shredded the food cans and cut their tongues licking the shratnel shaped cans.

    Dad kept those shredded cans as a reminder of the power of bears and we carried them with us in our Volkswagon camper all the years we grew up camping. I wish we had those cans now to show my own children and grandchildren.


    • #3
      Re: Who has bear and critter stories?

      A few years ago my wife and I decided to go camping for a long weekend on the White Mountain Apache Reservation. I was working the night shift at the time, so Saturday morning when I got off we left. We arrived around noon and got camp all set up. Since I had been up all night I figured I should take a nap, so in the tent I went. My wife thought that was a good idea, so she brought our two cocker spaniels in the tent. The dogs started getting a little restless but I just thought that was from the ride.
      A couple of hours later when I woke up and started moving around camp another camper came over and said he sure was glad we stayed in the tent while the black bear was in the bed of my truck! I had the cooler and the rest of the food in there, I had left the cap open and the tailgate down. Other than a few deep scratches on the cooler I couldn't even tell it ever happened. Sure am glad I don't keep food in the tent.

