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Devoted to Camping? Join Up!

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  • Devoted to Camping? Join Up!

    This message is brought to you by your mod...who is looking for people that are devoted to camping, who are still unregistered viewers thinking about becoming another campateer.

    There are plenty of things to do here besides just chat about camping. I check my member page every time I jump on board to sign in. From your member page you can see and edit your own bio; who has sent you a private message(pm), you can chat with someone about other things than camping. You can accept someone's on-line friendship(I have plenty of requests out) and not too many people have looked at my pages recently. You can look at other member's pages and check out their bios, etc. It's an added very nice feature. Chatting about camping is great, but if you take photos when you go camping you can start photo albums; I have 30+ albums so far. Each album holds 60 photos. You can edit your signature; add an avatar(or not). There really is a lot a person can do here to get involved in this great site! And it's all fun and 100% free! Gee, I sure wish more members would accept my offer to be their on-line friend, I do like friends! So come on everyone get busy!

    If you haven't joined yet, what are you waiting for? Get involved and when you feel the need to contribute, chime on in any time and when you want to purchase something from an online camping business, check out what links(Amazon for example) are here scrolling along like commercials them selves and click on one of those links, JohnJohn our host gets a little percentage back to help pay for this site anytime a campateer goes to a link that scrolls here!

    Just remember, clean language is like a clean campsite. Everyone would rather visit with someone that has both! Thanks for looking!:cool:
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Re: Devoted to Camping? Join Up!

    I did join up.. But still waiting to get enough posts so I don't have to be approved by a mod on every single post.. Hopefully that will end very soon!

