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Bugs worse than mosquitoes and you get them INSIDE buildings

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  • Bugs worse than mosquitoes and you get them INSIDE buildings

    Folks complain about mosquitoes and rightly so

    I had an insect problem that you might like to know about because you might have suffered from it too. That insect is bed mites.

    I came home from an overseas trip and had what at first seemed to be a terrible sinus and respiratory infection. Despite a barrage of heavy anti-biotics it would not improve. The doctors thought I might even have early signs of cancer

    Fortunately for me, I visited a doctor from Central America. He looked at my sinuses, took a swab of my mucus and told me immediately that I suffered from mites that had crawed into my sinuses, ears and mouth into my lungs through my throat

    He said it is not an uncommon problem and you can get these mites from your bedding at hotels. Apparently, the USA is not immune to this problem

    In addition to a battery of horrible tasting medicines, I had to irrigate my sinuses several time per day with a special device that looks like an Arabian tea kettle. I also had to clean and change my bedding daily

    It still took nearly two months to get rid of the mites and I can tell you it was horrible

    Think about this next time you stay at a hotel. I now bring my own bedding and I spray down the mattresses before I use them

  • #2
    Re: Bugs worse than mosquitoes and you get them INSIDE buildings

    Right on, HogSnapper!!! I've made a ton of DDT (to make Mitotane, a derivative of DDT) commercially back in the '80s, but as a pharmaceutical drug used to treat a cancer in humans and Cushings syndrome in dogs. The banning of DDT use as a pesticide is estimated to have cost over 8 million lives since the ban, and the ban, in my "scientific" opinion of what I've read and understood, was based on fabricated scientific data, much like the CFC aerosol ban, and the man-made global warming hoax. Sadly, science today is full of this kind of cr*p. I find it shameful that in our field folks would give up their integrity and love of the art for money and somebody's political agenda. Sure didn't have any annoying bugs around while we whipped up batches in the Pfaudlers!
    Last edited by tplife; 04-16-2013, 01:03 PM.
    “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
    ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.

