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Camping with the boyfriend!

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  • Camping with the boyfriend!

    Ok so my boyfriend and I are planning a camping trip for when I get out of school in 2 weeks (I'm 21 in college) and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or tips to ensure an awesome experience and hopefully not make me look dumb or flakey :p I've been camping before but I was always with people who took all of the responsibility of cooking and whatnot, so I never really had hands on experience. It's only for 2 days and it's a really nice place with showers and water and electricity (but of course we're still staying in a tent). I know general environment etiquette but would it be ok to bring like some bathroom cleaner to spray in the showers? Are they generally germy or does it just depend on the location? I'm pretty confident and very excited about the trip but knowing me I'm going to run into something I didn't prepare for so I'm trying to get that out of the way now so I can impress my boyfriend and have fun.

  • #2
    Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

    Nutritiongirl, I chuckled when I saw the name of your post.

    I can guess that your boyfriend is bringing you camping instead of the other way around and that he likes camping. Maybe he even prides himself on his camping skills.

    My suggestion has little to do with actual camping. I suggest that you just relax and enjoy the ride. Compliment your boyfriend on all the things he knows how to do - setting up the tent, cooking, building a fire. "Wow, how do you know how to do all this stuff?" You are a girl and your feminine charms will bring a certain beauty to the experience that only a girl can add. I am sure that your boyfriend will be warmed by those things that you might be afraid are silly.

    Be willing to help, but don't get grumpy if things don't go well. Stay positive. Don't complain about the mosquitoes or the smoke from the fire in your eyes or the rain. Your boyfriend can't control these things and will be frustrated if you grump about them.

    I remember camping with girlfriends. Most of them found things to grump about incessantly. Camping and the outdoors was an important part of my life, so I knew there was no future with them. Then one day I went backpack camping with a girlfriend who had never been camping before. It rained and rained. Based on past experiences, I expected to really get bitchhed at because of the weather and why did we have to do this and why do I like camping blah blah blah grump and complain. As we were hiking, I turned around to look at this girl. She was soaking wet, carrying a backpack load and some stuff in her arms. She looked back at me and smiled a nice smile. No complaining. I really think I fell in love with her at that moment. I married her and have been the happiest man in the world ever since.

    In life, sometimes it rains and sometimes it shines. It is good to go through life with someone who will help you hold up the tent in the rain and who will share the beach blanket in the sunshine.

    (P.S. if you want to bring some spray disinfectant for the shower/toilet, that will be perfectly fine... and I think it is a great idea)
    Last edited by Mike; 05-03-2013, 03:53 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

      +1 Great advice Mike


      • #4
        Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

        take bug spray and stuff to make smores. Don't get to frustrated and just enjoy each other's company. Take some charcoal lighter fluid to help start the fire. Keep a positive attitude and make the best out of it. Take some time to think about your meals and plan them out. If you can conquer meals and the sleeping arrangements, you will have a good time.
        Always remember K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid.
        Nights camped in 2019: 24
        Nights camped in 2018: 24


        • #5
          Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

          It's camping, and you're already a seasoned pro having been! The adaptation of each experience is part of the fun of camping, and where memories come from. AFA the showers, wear flip flops, your enemy there is the ubiquitous "athlete's foot" fungus and little else.
          “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
          ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


          • #6
            Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

            What they said


            • #7
              Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

              Originally posted by NutritionGirl View Post
              Ok so my boyfriend and I are planning a camping trip for when I get out of school in 2 weeks (I'm 21 in college) and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or tips to ensure an awesome experience and hopefully not make me look dumb or flakey :p I've been camping before but I was always with people who took all of the responsibility of cooking and whatnot, so I never really had hands on experience. It's only for 2 days and it's a really nice place with showers and water and electricity (but of course we're still staying in a tent). I know general environment etiquette but would it be ok to bring like some bathroom cleaner to spray in the showers? Are they generally germy or does it just depend on the location? I'm pretty confident and very excited about the trip but knowing me I'm going to run into something I didn't prepare for so I'm trying to get that out of the way now so I can impress my boyfriend and have fun.
              Really depends on the locale from my sight. You can always google" name of the camp ground reviews" and find what others thought of the facilities. Yes to flip flops in the shower no matter how clean it looks. I like to ditch the bar soap and opt for an all in one soap like Bonner's. You can wash dishes, clothing, hair and body with it, it's bio degradable and pretty reasonably priced. One of those loofah on one side, fabric on the other side washcloth w/ a elastic strap thingies you can find at the Body Shop, BB+B, etc means less to pack and remember to return to the tent. High SPF lip balm instead of lipstick/gloss. My personal fav right now is Jack Black and you can actually use it on your face if you leave your sunscreen back at the camp whilst at the beach/ trail/road. A hat will do you well under those hot TX skies. Some like baseball caps, other big floppy hats but whatever your style make sure there is a cotton terry band inside it to mop up sweat and a hat made of fabric tends to pack up easier than straw ones.

              So, you are the one cooking this trip? Most anything you can cook at home can also be cooked at the campsite. The key is to do as much prep at home as possible. Like cutting up any veggies and throwing them in zip lock bags. Also trying to incorporate foods from one meal into others. Here's a link that may be of use to help you with the concept:


              No need to cook that fancy and no need to not if you like either.

              Enjoy yourself!

              July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
              Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


              • #8
                Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

                If you are worried about germs, I don't think it would be a bad idea to bring some sort of cleaner for the shower, a lot of campgrounds can get kind of nasty. I would worry to much though. If you have electricity and a bathroom, I think you should be fine. The biggest thing to remember is food, clothing, and whatever you need to keep warm. Also, inspect repellent is always a good idea. A lot of trips can be ruined because insects won't leave you alone. You definitely want to have some way to cook your food, whether that is a grill, pot over the fire, or tin foil dinners. If you want to impress your boyfriend all you need to do is learn how to start a fire!


                • #9
                  Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

                  Wow that's all really great advice, and Mike, that story was adorable! We broke down and decided to buy a new tent and cooler along with a couple tiki torches and a lantern and a couple other things all for $120 which was pretty impressive. So far I'm thinking chili burgers for dinner with some veggies and bagged salad, I'm also thinking of packing sandwiches for when we first get there so we don't have to break out the mess set right away. (I also saw this really cool video on how to make bread while camping so we might try that too)
                  I'm definitely making sure we have some good bug spray and sunscreen if nothing else and I'm definitely going to check out that Bonner soap because it sounds pretty legit.
                  Thanks for all the tips and advice! I'm really stoked about the trip and now I'm more confident in my camping skills so I know it will be a fun and memorable experience((:


                  • #10
                    Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

                    Originally posted by NutritionGirl View Post
                    Wow that's all really great advice, and Mike, that story was adorable! We broke down and decided to buy a new tent and cooler along with a couple tiki torches and a lantern and a couple other things all for $120 which was pretty impressive. So far I'm thinking chili burgers for dinner with some veggies and bagged salad, I'm also thinking of packing sandwiches for when we first get there so we don't have to break out the mess set right away. (I also saw this really cool video on how to make bread while camping so we might try that too)
                    I'm definitely making sure we have some good bug spray and sunscreen if nothing else and I'm definitely going to check out that Bonner soap because it sounds pretty legit.
                    Thanks for all the tips and advice! I'm really stoked about the trip and now I'm more confident in my camping skills so I know it will be a fun and memorable experience((:
                    Very cool and I think your menu sounds grand.

                    Hey, if you are going to make bread, here is a much easier camp method than the dude on the video. Open up a box of Bisquick. Pour in about a tablespoon of water right into the middle of the flour in the open box. Stick your campfire roasting stick into the middle of the water puddle in the box and stir. The dough will ball up on your stick. Pull out the stick with the doughball and roast over the fire like a marshmallow. No mess and lots of fun!


                    • #11
                      Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

                      I was just reading through this thread to see if any of the tips could help me out this year as well; Mike, your camp bread sounds SUPER awesome/easy, that's great. Are you sure it's only a tablespoon of water for an entire box of bisquick? What size boxes do you usually get? Thanks for replying to nutrition girl everyone.


                      • #12
                        Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

                        Originally posted by LaurenVictoria View Post
                        I was just reading through this thread to see if any of the tips could help me out this year as well; Mike, your camp bread sounds SUPER awesome/easy, that's great. Are you sure it's only a tablespoon of water for an entire box of bisquick? What size boxes do you usually get? Thanks for replying to nutrition girl everyone.
                        Oh! Allow me to elaborate: you do not mix up the whole box of Bisquick at one time. You make a small divit like well in the Bisquick flour right inside the box. put one tablespoon water into the divit. Poke your roasting stick into the little puddle of water and stir

                        A dough ball will form on your stick. When you pull your stick out of the box, the rest of the flour in the box is dry and ready for use in tomorrow's pancakes or whatever

                        Roast your dough over the fire like a marshmallow. Serve with butter, honey or gravy or jam. Lovely

                        Mess free. No clean-up. No waste. Fun. Clever. Delicious
                        Last edited by Mike; 05-09-2013, 07:36 PM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

                          OH MY! I LOVE bread. :D I'm excited to see if we can do that later this year. you just roast it like a marshmallow? Like crispy on the outside? is the inside still a little gooey, or does it seem to "bake" all the way through if you hold it high enough above the flames in the correct heatzone?

                          I'm so very excited to do this. :D

                          Thank you for your elaboration Mike. I seem to think about large items because of the usual number of people we have around. It never would have occurred to me that your "recipe" was for a single serve type thing.


                          • #14
                            Re: Camping with the boyfriend!

                            Originally posted by LaurenVictoria View Post
                            OH MY! I LOVE bread. :D I'm excited to see if we can do that later this year. you just roast it like a marshmallow? Like crispy on the outside? is the inside still a little gooey, or does it seem to "bake" all the way through if you hold it high enough above the flames in the correct heatzone?

                            I'm so very excited to do this. :D

                            Thank you for your elaboration Mike. I seem to think about large items because of the usual number of people we have around. It never would have occurred to me that your "recipe" was for a single serve type thing.
                            Dear Lauren:

                            The bread will cook all the way through when you cook it on a stick. Of course, if you put it too close to the direct heat or flame, it will burn on the outside. That is common sense which you know, naturally.

                            Yup it is fun. You can put a hot dog on a stick, dip it in liquid beaten eggs, then roll it in the Bisquick, roast, and you will have a modified dog in a bun which is pretty good too.

