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Dog life vest

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  • Dog life vest

    I bought a life vest for my faithful camping canine collie friend. Unfortunately, I bought it online and when I received it, it was Waaaaay too small

    Still, it is time to canoe and I had to come up with something for my friend's safety because he does not swim well

    I figured out a way to use a standard old orange life vest on him. It worked well in the field test!
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    Last edited by Mike; 05-18-2013, 05:41 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Dog life vest

    mmm Looked as it would choke him.

    We had a Drug sniffing dog we took on LE Boardings and they rigged up a Vest type Life Jacket for him.


    • #3
      Re: Dog life vest

      He seemed pretty comfortable with it. He used the pillow under his jaw to rest his head in the edge of the canoe and be cozy

      Dogs are smart. Once we tested it in water and he saw how it helped him float, he was cooperative when I put it on him again

      Like most collies and many long hair dogs, my friend does not like water. We spent time on land training him how to get into the canoe from various angles, heights, and approaches. Such as getting in from a dock or entering from the nose of the canoe if I pull up to shore.

      If you plan on canoeing with your dog, I suggest you teach him/her a designated place in the canoe and teach to center/balance in the canoe and not move around. My dog learned and understands this. When we are in the canoe, he figures out a balance point and does not move around even if I catch fish which naturally makes dogs excited. He just barks with excitement which makes it more fun for both of us


      • #4
        Re: Dog life vest

        I would suggest that you buy him a real doggie life vest. They are made to be worn a certain way thus keeping him afloat properly even if he gets tired and stops paddleing. I doubt that a vest designed for humans will do that for him under those conditions. JMO.

