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Gear Hauling for Apartment Dwellers

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  • Gear Hauling for Apartment Dwellers

    I read the post by NYCgrrrl mentioning that she lives in an apartment and rents a car when she needs one. Although this seems completely radical for most of us, some folks who live in cities like NYC and SanFran actually can and do live without cars - renting them when needed. What a great concept and what a way to simplify your life and save money (in theory, I suppose).

    Anyway, I recently had to meet some friends visiting from overseas. I had to pick them up in another city and along the way, they went on an absolute spending binge like nothing I have ever seen before.

    Before leaving and on a whim, I threw my big nylon car top carrier into the back of the car "just in case" we needed it for luggage. I originally bought it to store some big canvas tents and had never used it to actually haul anything.

    Well, as it turned out, I DID need to use it. They bought so much stuff that it filled the entire inside of the car AND filled the car top carrier bag too.

    I am happy to report that the car top bag worked Very well. We travelled more than 700 miles with the bag full and didn't have any troubles with it coming loose or causing any troubles. The bag was absolutely filled to maximum capacity. I don't have any racks or rails on top of my car. The bag just sat on top of my roof with the straps latched to the frame of the car inside the door frame.

    When you are done, they fold up and don't take much space. I didn't get any scratches on top of my car either.

    So for those of you who live in apartments or smaller spaces who want to rent compact cars rather than SUVs for camping or for those of you who own smaller cars, I can recommend these car top carrier bags (not specifically the brand shown) with confidence.

    Last edited by Mike; 06-16-2013, 12:49 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Gear Hauling for Apartment Dwellers

    Mike, thanks! good to know
    Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


    • #3
      Re: Gear Hauling for Apartment Dwellers

      Hauling gear is not an issue for me (full 8' bed, with a cap). I do have a roof bag and as far as waterproof, don't really know. Before my canoe goes on the rack, I place the bag on the cap. My bag is not as big, but great for loose waterproof goods, like my Therma Rest pads, life jackets and misc canoe stuff. The canoe does shield it from some water.


      • #4
        Re: Gear Hauling for Apartment Dwellers

        Thank you to the nth, Mike! This product could open up an entirely new method of transporting and yes car size for me. I've already battled through my annual large car rental war so no sense in re-inventing the wheel this summer yet come the winter I'll do some serious research on this oh so prickly for me subject. I swear I could join the armed forces logistics unit just based on my car rental and storage experiences:D.

        July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
        Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


        • #5
          Re: Gear Hauling for Apartment Dwellers

          Originally posted by HogSnapper
          I wonder how waterproof they really are - even the ones that claim they are waterproof?
          Even hard boxes aren't 100% waterproof (but I've never noticed water getting into mine). I wouldn't load anything into one that couldn't handle getting wet.


          • #6
            Re: Gear Hauling for Apartment Dwellers

            Last edited by NYCgrrl; 06-20-2013, 07:07 AM. Reason: posted to wrong thread

            July 3 to July 16- annual kiddo trip
            Aug 2 to Aug 14- adult trip to recover from kiddos' outing. Bring on the Campari!


            • #7
              Re: Gear Hauling for Apartment Dwellers

              Looks like that worked out well. May need to look into one of those as we take the Mazda 2 out for trips. It's tiny.

