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Got my REI Rebate today...

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  • Got my REI Rebate today...

    I got my REI rebate today...$80 something. How should I spend it. With the boys in Scouting I really need to update the "on the ground" camping materials we have.

    Since buying a pop-up camper we have sold most of our "on the ground" gear. I have a small 2 man pack tent I carry around in the Jeep when heading out on a 4x4 trail. Other than a few sleeping bags a small pack air mattress, that's it.

    I guess I should start with shelter. There is four of us. I think the boys need their own tent. They will be more than happy taking my 2 man tent. The wife and I will get the upgrade.

    2) sleeping gear, bags and pads for the boys (decent, not Wal-mart specials)
    3) stove and fuel
    4) cooking and table gear

    Guess that $80 something is not going to go too far.
    Forum Admin

  • #2
    REI Rebate

    Don't forget the chapstick you lost skiing on the Colorado, by cracky! Your boys will like their own tent! So will your war dept. :eek:
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      You can't use your REI rebate @ Wal-Mart!:cool:


      • #4
        Buy the cheap pads from wal-mart. like 5-10 bucks. All you need is something between you and the ground. Plus if you get the good blow up ones (1) it's not that good at insulating (which is the reason in getting it) and (2) the boys will tear it up the first camping trip! Boys will be boys
        Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
        USMC Retired


        • #5
          Originally posted by richardvg03 View Post
          Buy the cheap pads from wal-mart. like 5-10 bucks. All you need is something between you and the ground. Plus if you get the good blow up ones (1) it's not that good at insulating (which is the reason in getting it) and (2) the boys will tear it up the first camping trip! Boys will be boys
          Mine is a "ThermoRest"?? I would never buy the boys anything that pricey.

          The blow up air mattress just make you colder, I agree
          Forum Admin


          • #6
            I use to think that the matt's were there for comfort. That's what I thought until I was on my first field op in the Marine Corps! I found out real fast that without a matt under you, you'll be freezing your butt off!!
            Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
            USMC Retired


            • #7
              I tried telling my wife that the airmattress just makes you colder, but she says no airmattress, no camping for her, so I just deal with it. We have one of the double chambered ones. After three seasons it still holds air.


              • #8
                I just have a cheap air mattess from wal-mart and I put matts on top of it. It's held for 3 years also. I actually just got my first hole in it a month or two ago. It was a BIG hole, about the size of a pencil, but i just put a peice of duck tape of it and it works just fine.
                Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
                USMC Retired

