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Hammock camping

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  • #16
    Re: Hammock camping

    I never was a massive fan of hammock camping, I guess I sort of feel a little bit unsafe when I don't have any form of "protection" maybe its just a mental thing, but perhaps its just something I need to do and perhaps I would enjoy it. I definitely couldn't do it alone but perhaps with some company would be better


    • #17
      Re: Hammock camping

      I didn't "get" it until my son practically forced me to use his. Now I'm a full-fledged convert. My tents still have their uses, but from now on a hammock/tarp setup is my go-to sleeping/shelter system. Not having to worry about rough ground, wet campsites,....I tell you, for a solo system it's everything I want. There are even hammocks that you can get into from underneath, in case of rainy weather.
      2018: Any way the wind blows; doesn't really matter to me....Too Meee....


      • #18
        Re: Hammock camping

        Originally posted by Irate Mormon View Post
        I didn't "get" it until my son practically forced me to use his. Now I'm a full-fledged convert. My tents still have their uses, but from now on a hammock/tarp setup is my go-to sleeping/shelter system. Not having to worry about rough ground, wet campsites,....I tell you, for a solo system it's everything I want. There are even hammocks that you can get into from underneath, in case of rainy weather.
        Yea logically thinking that makes complete sense especially if you are a solo camper, but I guess for me I much prefer camping with my family or friends instead of alone but I can definitely see why its desirable


        • #19
          Re: Hammock camping

          Hammock camping is intriguing to me but I will probably never try it. There is a guy whose YouTube site is shugemery and he has a lot of videos about hammock use. He has a great sense of humor and has a lot of knowledge about hammock camping. Also there is a site that has a lot of information about hammocks, how to select and use them, and of course they sell just about everything you will need to hammock camp.

          If I were younger and healthier I would definitely consider hammock camping but because of a bad back I can't walk very far so I don't stray far from my vehicle. I usually camp in state parks and they can be finicky about what you do to their trees plus some of the tent sites have been groomed so there are few properly spaced hammock trees available. Because of my back I no longer sleep on the ground and use a cot. With a little effort I can get down on the ground but getting up off the ground is a real problem and it caused my hips to hurt. I use a good cot covered with a closed cell pad, a Thermarest pad, and an old sleeping bag and that usually lets me get a good nights sleep. I wonder if I would be able to even get out of a hammock without falling out. I am just an old dog that doesn't find most new tricks appealing.


          • #20
            Re: Hammock camping

            Cots have a lot of appeal...I have been using one for 5+ day trips in developed campgrounds (i.e. State Parks and such). But nowadays I find myself wandering a bit more, not wanting to stay in one place for more than a night or two, and shunning crowds. I might park underneath a bridge, for example. A hammock for me is less gear to pack, less hassle and less work. Gives me more time to play guitar :-)
            2018: Any way the wind blows; doesn't really matter to me....Too Meee....

