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  • Crabs

    In the past, all you can eat crab fund raisers were looked forward to in my landlocked neck of the woods. I could not only support local charities but I could get my fill of crab. Crab could also be found on sale
    for around $7/lb and was the star of many of our Super Bowl parties.
    No longer. Inflation put the kibosh on that, and I'm truly missing my crab fix.

    No the problem with all you can eat crab fund raisers is that it will spoil you.
    i mean what's the point of making a trip al the way to the coast and going crabbing if you can simple buy some dinner tickets and get a tax receipt to boot?

    Well, going crabbing is fun, as much fun as eating them.
    I came across this youtube this morning and found it inspiring

    I believe an outing like this will become an annual camping trip for us.

  • #2
    I've never eaten crab before, so I have no idea what it tastes like. I think frying crabs in the moonlight during camping would be a much more fun meal.

