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My grill!

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  • My grill!

    Whatdo you guys think of this grill?

    Still worthy of grilling?

    I think it's pretty cleanable, I will probably get rid of the propane properly.

    What all do I have to do to make it grillible again?

    My cooking site!

  • #2
    How do I get rid of my old propane caninster here? So I know I have a fresh one?

    That's not going to leak?
    My cooking site!


    • #3
      Howdy Chile,
      You should find a local re-cycle center that will handle those babies. When I was a campground host a few decades back, I would always find campsites vacated and these canisters would be left. I took care of them through a local re-cycle center. Perhaps others have another idea but a re-cycle center seems to be the best way. The only thing you'll need to do is apply a little elbow grease, steel wool and she'll be good as new!
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


      • #4
        Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
        Howdy Chile,
        You should find a local re-cycle center that will handle those babies. When I was a campground host a few decades back, I would always find campsites vacated and these canisters would be left. I took care of them through a local re-cycle center. Perhaps others have another idea but a re-cycle center seems to be the best way. The only thing you'll need to do is apply a little elbow grease, steel wool and she'll be good as new!
        I will do that VDF, I have a brillo "steel wool" and I will use that!
        My cooking site!


        • #5
          Yep, start off with a medium steelwool, then go to '0000' for the final cleaning. Greased Lightning works well. Used to use it on my Dad's old grill. Once it's clean, keeping it that way will be easier.
          The one-pound cannisters can be refilled, but a lot of State DOT's consider them unsafe for carrying in vehicles and outlaw them if refilled.
          Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bigdog57 View Post
            Yep, start off with a medium steelwool, then go to '0000' for the final cleaning. Greased Lightning works well. Used to use it on my Dad's old grill. Once it's clean, keeping it that way will be easier.
            The one-pound cannisters can be refilled, but a lot of State DOT's consider them unsafe for carrying in vehicles and outlaw them if refilled.

            BD, Yeppers I'm about to tackle the cleaning of this little grill, And my parents will dis card the old canister for me, And they have a new canister they will let me have.
            My cooking site!


            • #7
              After much 90 minute bath in a 85 degree water in the sink, The grill is BRAND new again, Well the top half of the grill is done.

              Tomorrow I'm going to unfastion the propane canister and take it to a proper recycling bin, And I will give the bottom half the same bath. Here's the photo's of the clean portions.

              By the way guys, can the bottom half of the grill be submerged for 90 minutes to get rid of the gunk?
              My cooking site!


              • #8
                Just found out that I have a coleman grill, This is the grill I own and its the exact same model number.

                My cooking site!


                • #9
                  Howdeeeee! Chile,

                  How much do you charge per hour? I have a huge smoker in the backyard that I use to cook for gatherings here. The rust has become a problem, it's almost as old as I am. Your grill look really good! Yes you can soak the grill for an hour. Think tomorrow I'll start cleaning my smoker, thanks Chile for sharing!
                  Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                  Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
                    Howdeeeee! Chile,

                    How much do you charge per hour? I have a huge smoker in the backyard that I use to cook for gatherings here. The rust has become a problem, it's almost as old as I am. Your grill look really good! Yes you can soak the grill for an hour. Think tomorrow I'll start cleaning my smoker, thanks Chile for sharing!
                    LOL, I would charge a rack of ribs a beer and good times

                    But seriously I'm not going to ever clean one again unless it's something small or for storage.
                    My cooking site!


                    • #11
                      Oh yeah, Shes done, Now I got to test this comming weekend at my folks house, see if her lgniter works.

                      My cooking site!

