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Understanding Campgrounds-Part 1

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  • Understanding Campgrounds-Part 1


    Campgrounds will fall into two basic categories: public or private. Public campgrounds are usually run by a government agency and include those found in national parks and forests, bureau of land management areas, army corps of engineer projects, and in state parks and forests. Private campgrounds are typically RV parks and campground resorts owned by private citizens or businesses. Both public and private campgrounds are well represented on the Internet.

    Public campgrounds offer the largest choice of campground destinations available to us. These campgrounds, mostly funded by tax dollars, are typically found in scenic areas or on lands set aside to preserve some aspect of the natural environment for present and future enjoyment of outdoor recreation. The public campgrounds usually offer the same quality of service and amenities nationwide. If you've ever camped at one national park, you can likely expect the experience to be the same at other national parks. The same can be said of campgrounds in the National Forests, Army Corps of Engineer Projects, Bureau of Land Management Areas, and the State Parks. Although the state park systems vary from state to state, the other public facilities remain somewhat consistent nationwide.

    Unfortunately, there is no one Web site that has all the information about every campground available in the US. But there are Web sites that may be considered the definitive source for details about particular types of campgrounds. For the National Parks there's, for Forest Service and the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) there's For BLM land there is:
    Last edited by renodesertfox; 05-30-2009, 12:11 AM.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult