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Understanding Campgrounds- Part 2

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  • Understanding Campgrounds- Part 2

    If you're making summer reservations, try to make them as far in advance as possible. Popular campgrounds tend to get booked early for weekends and holidays. Make sure you understand the cancellation policy. Before getting off the phone, finalize a rate, and confirm what that rate includes. If you will be arriving late, ask if they have any late arrival arrangements. When making online reservations, make sure to print a copy of any conformation page or save any confirmation email. Take a copy of this with you when checking in.

    Check with family and friends to get opinions on places to go camping in your area, or read campground reviews to get other ideas and/or join to get a better feel and great help when deciding on places to go.

    Some public campgrounds use a feature called an "iron ranger," which is a fee collection box used when there is no full time attendant. Upon entrance to the campground, you deposit your nightly fee(s) in an envelope with your name and site number and drop this in the collection box. Sometime during the day a park ranger will make rounds of the campgrounds and collect the fees. You will often see these in National Park and National Forest campgrounds.

    That's it. Real simple! Thanks for looking!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult